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tmaenadw t1_j7gcszg wrote

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn’t have the only Fetterman sign on my street. The mayor of my borough is nuts, but other guys on the council seem to try to temper him when he gets too crazy. Definitely a more conservative area, but I lived in Burien WA (just south of Seattle) for five years and a friend who ran for city council had someone leave human excrement on her doorstep, call her son’s school and asked if he sat near a window, and basically harass her for existing on a daily basis. The crazies are everywhere.


IamSauerKraut t1_j7gp7pq wrote

Read the latest issue of It's only starting.


tmaenadw t1_j7gw0os wrote

Starting? Isn’t that SOP for Lebanon GOP? They operate by the mantra that “GOP makes right”.

Politics is goofy in any era. At least we still have LebTown trying to report on it.