Submitted by mynameisalso t3_10vnmhe in Pennsylvania
SamuelLCompassion t1_j7ijr1j wrote
> "In this researcher's assessment, given the step length and stride length of the prints, the lack of any identifiable shoe tread in the prints themselves, the chronological context of the track find, and its congruence to other bigfoot tracks found elsewhere, strongly suggests that the tracks are not human in origin but bigfoot in nature," BFRO wrote.
Wait, footprints with no treads? That’s obviously a bigfoot.
AFD_0 t1_j7ikf41 wrote
If I thought bigfoot was real, I'd 100% believe this! ;D
PaulArthur t1_j7in6ww wrote
Great title, lol.
Newkid92 t1_j7io7v0 wrote
If you ever drive through....i think it's New Castle people have bigfoot signs everywhere lol
BuddahSack t1_j7ioxej wrote
When I was high-school '06 ish, I remember a story with legit trail cam photos of ape like things out in western PA, also the BFRO has some around my hometown Gettysburg
ThePopeJones t1_j7ip5ao wrote
From about 2004 to 2010 my friends and I faked a massive amount of bigfoot "evidence" across central Pennsylvania. There were about 5 or 6 of us normally, but sometimes more. We made fake hut/lean-tos, planted fake fur, we had fake feet made and a friend would ride piggy back on me to make em sink in deep, we'd go out at night and scream weird Moises, and way more. We spent a lot of time and effort on it over the years.
Ive run across folks who spent years of their lives tracking bigfoot based on our "evidence". I've told em straight up what was actually happening, but they've refused to believe.
If bigfoot were real my buddies and I would have run across him faking bigfoot evidence.
GiGaBYTEme90 t1_j7ipjiy wrote
The footprints were big
ThePopeJones t1_j7iplt9 wrote
My friends and I made fake feet I could slip on like flip flops. I'm 6''6", so I've got a long stride as it is, and if I do this weird hopping thing I can spread the tracks out really far. On top of that I'd carry one of my other buddies piggyback style to make the prints sink in good.
SamuelLCompassion t1_j7iq9zy wrote
I feel weird about being the one to break this news to you, but… you’re a Sasquatch.
ThePopeJones t1_j7iqur5 wrote
Lol, I've actually been told that more than once.
spankbuttmctallylick t1_j7iskmy wrote
Out of all the internet tales I’ve heard and read, I think this story of wonder now takes the cake for one that I hope is true the most. I’m skeptical as fuck, but this will live rent free in my head.
GraffitiTavern t1_j7ispid wrote
From Fairfield, surprised there's bigfoot hunters in Gburg, I thought it was all ghost hunters
BuddahSack t1_j7it312 wrote
The sightings are actually along 116 by the golf course going into Fairfield from Gettysburg, it was in like '98 I think, my mom is from Fairfield, Pecher road haha
KindKill267 t1_j7itj4i wrote
Just like mountain lions I'll believe it when I see it.
MartianActual t1_j7iud3e wrote
Not so much by people who don’t believe in bigfoot though.
Grumpicake t1_j7iw6ed wrote
Now that’s how you write a headline.
Monte2903 t1_j7iwfj9 wrote
I work at a "haunted" mental asylum. Ill occasionally write "Get Out" on the basement walls with red berries (these ones don't stain the wall)
[deleted] t1_j7iwg2c wrote
Monte2903 t1_j7iwnnj wrote
You are my hero. I live in Westmoreland County. Maybe some day ill visit a museum dedicated to your work 😂
ThePopeJones t1_j7iwyqh wrote
Oh it's true.
Clearfield county doesn't have much to do outside of getting stoned in the woods. There's only so much getting stoned in the woods before even that gets boring.
Gotta spice it up some how.
spankbuttmctallylick t1_j7ix64n wrote
You might just make a believer out of me yet lol
ThePopeJones t1_j7ixebf wrote
We were active in Clearfield, Centre, Huntington, and Blair counties.
Either you have some more stones dumbass or....... A real bigfoot.... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!
IrrumaboMalum t1_j7ixn3i wrote
This is a fake sighting.
I know this because I am not yet back in the state. I am still working overseas moonlighting for other cryptids until Saturday.
ThePopeJones t1_j7iybne wrote
We really went all out. A friend had a husky that shed big clumps of fur. We'd snag the fur on branches like 6 feet up.
I frequent a couple table top gaming stores. One night I was playing a game with a friend and two older guys I'd never meant before. One of the guys looks at his watch and goes "Oh no! I have to leave! I have really important things to do!".
We all just said cool, we'd just continue without him. He sat there a minute longer and was saying things like "Yup, IMPORTANT STUFF TO DO!!". Finally the friend who knew him asks what he had to do. He looked around all conspiratorial and says "Bigfoot" in an exaggerated whisper.
Now at this point he had my attention. I ask where and it turns out he was out looking for my friends and I. I tell him all about our exploits.
I saw a bit of light leave his eyes. It broke his damn crazy heart.
choresoup t1_j7iyurr wrote
that was me sorry
Mor_Tearach t1_j7iz1lh wrote
One poor kid in my son's class who was already well, I guess you would say troubled. Just disturbed in quite a few ways. Met him a few times and there was a nice kid under all the various behaviors.
To top it off his father somehow actually got himself all over the news and even worse the story made national news, no idea how. Guy said Bigfoot threw rocks at his camper. I ' think ' that was the whole story too. Just threw rocks.
I won't repeat how the son reacted , it wasn't good. We're not a big foot sighting area, I hear he took a lot of typical bullying nonsense for it.
So if Big Foot did exist why in hell would he walk around throwing rocks at campers? We lost track of the kid but I do think about him sometimes and hope he's ok.
spankbuttmctallylick t1_j7izh6y wrote
I like that you know how to weave a tale. This was well worth the read. I’m choosing to believe this is true haha
baldude69 t1_j7j06zm wrote
The theory I like for Bigfoot, UFOs, ghosts, and Cryptids is that they are from other dimensions normally invisible to ours, but there are people or places where some kind of cross-dimensional transference occurs and they pop into our dimension briefly. So essentially they are all the same phenomenon. It’s a little too convenient of an explanation, but I like how it “feels” as a commentary on it.
Thisfuckingwebsite t1_j7j1qdc wrote
Superfly_McTurbo t1_j7j1qlt wrote
Save some pussy for the rest of us
Superfly_McTurbo t1_j7j1wgx wrote
Nah that’s way different. Seen twice on my grandfathers game cam set up on his property in Sullivan County. Just texted my brother to send me the pics I’ll send em right over to you
[deleted] t1_j7j247c wrote
This gave me a much needed chuckle. Thank you.
JohnDeere714 t1_j7j2niy wrote
You know. I live in cambria county. I frequent Blair, clearfield, and Indiana county. Not once have I heard of a local sighting. Nor have I actually met a fanatic in Public that wasn’t at a booth at an rv show
chartreuse6 t1_j7j2ofb wrote
Why would you take the time to do this?
PoorFraxinus t1_j7j3l26 wrote
My cousin's friend's uncle-wife saw one just the other day while hiking at Beltzville National Park
[deleted] t1_j7j43fu wrote
MichaelMaugerEsq t1_j7j6456 wrote
My FIL is 100% a believer. And he wants to talk about it often.
NerdyRedneck45 t1_j7j67iv wrote
Bruh post them here!
littlereptile t1_j7j7cb1 wrote
My friends and I live in Indiana, and we were joking about it today. There weren't treads in the tracks because the snow had melted...
JBunnyx24 t1_j7j8nw4 wrote
You talking about Lykens Valley Sasquatch Hunters?
PhyllisTheFlyTrap t1_j7j9l31 wrote
I'm like an hour from there! I'll be sure to keep an eye out! Neat!
Hyrogrifix t1_j7jacwd wrote
Sorry guys, it wasn’t Bigfoot, I was just outside with my shirt off again. I’ll do my best to remember to cover up during this time of year.
JustVern t1_j7jeygg wrote
So, the Shaquille O'Neal went walking barefoot through the snow??
Available_Pack2300 t1_j7jfb07 wrote
Well, that would be the only argument that would hold up to my husband's. When I mentioned this article to him, he looked me straight on and said, where are the skeletons? If sasquatch exists, what happens to their remains?
Least_Firefighter639 t1_j7jfqx1 wrote
It's just dave don't worry about it
artificialavocado t1_j7jin21 wrote
The thing is mountain lions are actually a thing that actually exist in the actual world. Big Foot is made up.
FinalBat4515 t1_j7jkr5y wrote
I’m a person who likes to agree with people and I agree with your comment
cwfutureboy t1_j7jl0oe wrote
This near Centralia?
BitchyWitchy68 t1_j7jp2nf wrote
Those Republicans in rural PA will believe s anything. I need to put Trump flag on my Jeep and drive out there selling Holy water. I could use the money..😂
SwadianZunist t1_j7jy7ct wrote
I was disappointed that it wasn’t the real article title.
Deerbooty t1_j7k12fr wrote
With the amount of cameras in everyones pocket, if he hasn't been seen yet, probably not real. Unfortunatly.
GholdenGhost1348 t1_j7k2spj wrote
First of all, don’t believe anything a cop or former cop has to say…
Blexcr0id t1_j7k5ada wrote
Link to the BFRO report.
Blexcr0id t1_j7k5fwi wrote
Do you walk around in the snowy woods with bigfoot-sized prosthetic feet on? That's how I would do it.
KindKill267 t1_j7k8hd0 wrote
100% agree. I figured bigfoot came from someone who saw a gorilla who didn't know what a gorilla is haha. Or another large primate haha.
The thing I love about mountain lions is that everyone says oh I know someone blah blah. In the last 10 years or so trail cameras have become such a thing that the woods are loaded with them. IMO if they were here they would have been hit by a car or had their picture taken haha.
sockbref t1_j7k8jmm wrote
Ask him where the Bigfoot skeletons are
Bruc3w4yn3 t1_j7k8ycs wrote
So either 5-dimensional (move through 4 dimensions like we move through 3) beings or beings from færie? I feel like you have a solid premise for a modern fairy story right there, though honestly outside of the English speaking world there already is that sort of continuity from myth →fairy → folklore →urban legend/cryptids
artificialavocado t1_j7kaqpe wrote
Not necessarily. There are bobcat here and I’ve never seen one hit by a car. Cats like that are very elusive and have a much lower population density than stuff like deer since it takes a lot of area to have enough prey for them to eat. A lot of ppl in my area think they never left I disagree with that. They are migrating in from the Black Hills in South Dakota.
KindKill267 t1_j7kbvzg wrote
That's the case for the one in Connecticut but then it was...hit by a car haha. Ive seen bobcats in the wild before. But I get pictures of bobcats all the time on trail cameras. There's even a trapping season for bobcats.
Last year the PGC sold 45,000 furtakers licenses and 20,000 bobcat permits. That's a lot of steel in the ground that's baited for predators. If they were here someone would have caught one I would think.
I say they're not here but damn would it be crazy if someone caught one. That would be like having definitive proof of aliens haha.
artificialavocado t1_j7kcaud wrote
Ugh I forgot they let people trap bobcats. I try not to judge but I don’t know how someone could kill a bobcat or a black bear for that matter.
lonejeeper t1_j7kd22h wrote
The Florida mountain lion population was suspected to be in the 20s, and they were still getting hit by cars, in the everglades.
DonBoy30 t1_j7kff0i wrote
It’s classist and frankly vile to speak of the peoples of the hills in western PA in this manner.
DonBoy30 t1_j7kfgyw wrote
You know what they say about big feet…
Gojira085 t1_j7kfp3z wrote
Props to the title on this, gave me a good laugh
tukekairo t1_j7kgobk wrote
akennelley t1_j7khwxz wrote
You listen to LPotL?
ThePopeJones t1_j7ki8a9 wrote
We had nothing else to do. Rural pa is certainly beautiful, but it's boring as fuck. It was a 45 minute drive to the nearest form of entertainment that wasn't drugs, booze, or lighting things on fire.
msginbtween t1_j7kjd0j wrote
Post the photos!
baldude69 t1_j7kjg41 wrote
Not sure what that is!
ImOnRedditMaaan t1_j7klact wrote
ShawnOttery t1_j7klegw wrote
Big... foot?
mynameisalso OP t1_j7klxuk wrote
I've seen a bobcat hit by a car by Beltsville. I was surprised how long it was when laid out
SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_j7km32w wrote
Would you be willing to come tell your story on /r/bigfootskeptics?
mynameisalso OP t1_j7km68v wrote
ThePopeJones t1_j7km766 wrote
Haha, probably. I think I got banded from r/bigfoot a while back for telling people the truth.
akennelley t1_j7km8yc wrote
Last Podcast on the Left, its a Paranormal/True Crime podcast. One of the hosts is Henry Zebrowski, who some might have seen on "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell".
Anyway, Henry goes on CONSTANTLY with this exact theory about all paranormal events being extradimensional entities.
Its a really fun show, if you're into that kinda stuff.
artificialavocado t1_j7kma7t wrote
Man that sucks. I’m such a wimp I would probably cry if I hit a bobcat or even a deer with my car lol.
cyvaquero t1_j7kmjwz wrote
"Bigger than a breadbox" was how bigfoot tracks were described by the Centre Daily Times when some tracks were found in the area in the 80s. My classmate swears the snow shoes they used to do it weren't that big.
heili t1_j7kmt6p wrote
I could easily see "faking evidence of Bigfoot" to be something that "getting stoned in the woods" would lead to.
SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_j7kmyxj wrote
Yeah, me too - hence /r/bigfootskeptics
baldude69 t1_j7kmzuk wrote
Ah yes I’ve heard of it and honestly there may be some bleed over that caused me to first hear of this theory. I often find paranormal researchers to be sort of insufferable, but I should give it another try; I know people talk about the podcast as being solid.
JStevens84 t1_j7knp2y wrote
You come across a lot of deer and bear skeletons in the woods? When an animal dies, it’s carcass is pretty much completely gone in a week
sockbref t1_j7kpulv wrote
We can find old remains of other animals from time to time. We have never once come across a primate species in all of North America closely resembling a Bigfoot. All that exists are claims of people often alone.
JStevens84 t1_j7krsd1 wrote
That’s a fair point but maybe they toss their dead into a lake or take them deep into a cave.
we have found non human primate dna, hair samples from unknown creatures, hundreds of footprints that aren’t just fake tracks that some teenagers put there.(see professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho state Jeff Meldrum) Thousands of credible visual sightings from experienced woodsmen.
Based on that you would think it’s worthy of further study by the government. The govt loves wasting money on shit like this and yet they’ve done nothing. That’s weird to me
Wuz314159 t1_j7ks6af wrote
It's on the internet, it's gotta be real.
Wuz314159 t1_j7ks8ub wrote
...big shoes?
sockbref t1_j7ksv2i wrote
But we have physical bones of currently known animal species that have lived and died in North America for tens of thousands of years. We don’t have one bit of concrete evidence of a supersized human like primate. Tracks can be faked, it is possible and I’m sure you can agree. Everything had been unknown to us at one time. New species are always being discovered.
For the sake of argument, if you enough people claim to see a chupacabras, or more unlikely, leprechauns let’s say, and all we had were eyewitness accounts and unknown tracks and fur, should this be enough to spend public funding searching for these animals?
JStevens84 t1_j7kx5hj wrote
I didn’t think we needed concrete evidence to warrant further study. That doesn’t make sense. We have a lot of circumstantial evidence which deserves further study. I’ll take the word of an expert who’s studied the footprints for decades when he says that some would be more or less impossible to fake
So you’re saying leprechauns are comparable to a human like primate in feasibility? If we had dna evidence, thousands of visual sightings and tracks and fur of course it would be enough to look into it further. That’s what science is, studying things that you have evidence for to see if it’s true
akennelley t1_j7kx7c2 wrote
Its equally entertaining as it is educational. Some might find it too crude, as the hosts say basically whatever. (I've got funny looks from pedestrians when listening stopped at a light.)
Sybertron t1_j7kxkz5 wrote
I remember one of those bigfoot documentaries the Bigfoot group was bringing out radios that put out weird noises saying "well we need to be able to both scare if off if needed or potentially attract it"
Upon hearing other very similar weird noises in the woods "oh wow listen to that, must be bigfoot! maybe some secret form of communication!"
Redlar t1_j7l06l2 wrote
You don't have to be a "wimp" to be upset in that situation. Guys get so much crap for showing emotions, there's nothing wrong with having them
Though the repair bill itself would be enough to make someone cry if they hit a deer
ClemDooresHair t1_j7l1201 wrote
Only if all photos of him are blurry
awesomesauceitch t1_j7l1u61 wrote
I’m a person who likes to argue with people and I agree with your comment.
SendAstronomy t1_j7l30x1 wrote
So god is a cryptid? Totally exists but is invisible.
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j7l3auq wrote
I believe he was chillin’ with jfk jr.
baldude69 t1_j7l3s1n wrote
I’ll check it out. I don’t mind crude, but also don’t really like Cumtown or find it very funny, so I guess there’s a line for me. It’s also an area that interests me so I should probs give it a listen. Thanks for the recommendation!
artificialavocado t1_j7l3vy8 wrote
I mean I don’t think I would be like balling hysterically or anything but animal stuff gets to me anymore. I got 2 cats a few years ago which I adore and it rubbed off on all animals now.
But yeah part of it would be from the repairs lol.
baldude69 t1_j7l415y wrote
Honestly moments of divine clarity, god appearing before people, miracles and that kind of thing could be explained by this theory. Not much evidence for it, but it feels like a nice clean theory albeit maybe a bit too convenient
woodcuttersDaughter t1_j7l59c7 wrote
"deer are the main protein source for sasquatches."
Someone explain how they “know” this
90blacktsiawd t1_j7l6ma4 wrote
Big shoes?
brashendeavors t1_j7lailg wrote
I am a person and I agree with your comments.
SendAstronomy t1_j7lb60g wrote
"Not much" lol.
Just because it sounds like a nice theory doesn't mean it is all true.
SendAstronomy t1_j7lb9t2 wrote
Agreed, we need to see the cats. Pspspsps
sockbref t1_j7lbl2o wrote
I was using a hypothetical. If enough people want to believe in leprechauns then they will think they see them. What’s a leprechaun but a tiny human? Imagine the opposite of a Bigfoot. Instead of large tracks there could be tiny foot tracks. Seems just as possible. We have just as many leprechaun bones as we do Bigfoot ones.
SendAstronomy t1_j7lbx6v wrote
Some dumbass is gonna shoot him.
baldude69 t1_j7lbzix wrote
Yep, which is why I included that qualifier, along with saying the explanation is “maybe a little too convenient”
I’m in no way saying it’s true, just that I like the theory, from an existential perspective. It’s fun to philosophize about this stuff, not trying to convince anyone this theory is true. Just fun to think about
wagsman t1_j7lca57 wrote
So larger than normal stride footprints with no shoe tread? Ok
tehmlem t1_j7lcpb4 wrote
Socks cost more
Kdogg4000 t1_j7ldo86 wrote
Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half....
AlbrechtSchoenheiser t1_j7ldrh6 wrote
That was just me training in my ghillie suit. I spent more than a decade doing 20km patrols through the mountains of Afghanistan with 45kg on my back while being shot at by people who can't read and don't want to learn how.
JStevens84 t1_j7leab1 wrote
I notice how you completely ignore my point about it being something worthy of further study. We know a giant ape lived up until about 100,000 years ago and all we have to show for it is 4partial jawbones and some teeth. We’ve catalogued probably less than 1/4 of all species on the planet. Combine that with all the aforementioned evidence and it’s absolutely plausible that it exists and warrants further(read:any at all) study.
You don’t have to look into it, but if you do I think you might have more of an open mind about it.
greentea1985 t1_j7lgt4k wrote
I guess they are trying to claim it was a large print that looked like a shoe but no treads. That really isn’t the best argument. Shit like moccasins exist.
sockbref t1_j7lgzr6 wrote
To answer your point about being worthy of study, hearsay and circumstantial evidence doesn’t seem to be enough for scientific research into the matter. If it were, you better believe there would be droves of studies and researchers out looking and finding the evidence out there. The notoriety alone would be enough motivation for some but the mostly finding an unknown bipedal human like ape in our backyard would be groundbreaking. It hasn’t happened. Why not?
[deleted] t1_j7ljtsj wrote
[deleted] t1_j7lk2i2 wrote
liachikka t1_j7lkiht wrote
This should just be posted on r/bigfoot. One big nod fest. "Yes, I agree." "Yes, me too!" How about that?
[deleted] t1_j7lmxh4 wrote
0gv0n t1_j7lwhdf wrote
Bigfoot is on the internet? What's his reddit username?
0gv0n t1_j7lwuow wrote
I believe in bigfoot. I don't believe in moccasins. I'm not that gullible.
RanchAndGreaseFlavor t1_j7m9i0y wrote
Sorry guys, it was me. I was camping and got the bubble guts after eating fried squirrel and hurried far away from my tent before having mud butt capable of clogging any normal commode against a tree. It was fortunate I avoided the swamp ass. With a dump that large, you know I’m the real deal.
mynameisalso OP t1_j7mm46t wrote
Hahahaha I'm dying
"Esteemed sasquatch researcher." 🤣🤣🤣
mynameisalso OP t1_j7mmek5 wrote
It's amazing how tangled up they get. Just a bunch of lies and tall tales stacked up for generations.
theSG-17 t1_j7n5bl1 wrote
theSG-17 t1_j7n5h7z wrote
They bury their dead.
Available_Pack2300 t1_j7oos19 wrote
Ok, and so do some serial killers, but we occasionally stumble upon even some of those unmarked graves sometimes
IrrumaboMalum t1_j7p84pr wrote
Nah. I just walk around normal. That is terrifying enough for most people.
Mor_Tearach t1_j7pk6nx wrote
Yep. I didn't know we had anything called Lykens Valley Sasquatch Hunters. This is such a beautiful area, as pretty as any part of our singularly beautiful state, you know? Love to be in the news for say " Strip mining scars now healed and reclaimed by forest " ( it has, makes me pull the car over and absolutely savor the sight ) and " Underground Railroad House saved from demolition " ( unfortunately not true, one not far from here now features a now defunct Arby's, but there are more needing attention ).
SO many features making Lykens and surrounding areas SO notable. We make it for Bigfoot throwing rocks.
[deleted] t1_j991hw3 wrote
digitalforestmonster t1_j7ijkxl wrote
Too much vinyl chloride in the air will do that