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Critical_Band5649 t1_j7kkd35 wrote

It means they withheld federal taxes. You'll get a form next tax season that lists how much tax you paid on the unemployment income. Not everyone opts in to have tax withheld, they choose to pay that when they file their taxes. It just distinguishes between the two.


Critical_Band5649 t1_j7kmbxw wrote

It looks like you are waiting on your payments. The first week after being eligible is a waiting period, you do not receive pay for that week. If you have been expecting payments longer than that and haven't received them, contact your state rep to get unemployment in touch with you. And continue to submit your weekly certifications in the meantime.


heightsdrinker t1_j7l5vkx wrote

Contact the office again. Make sure they have your correct information. If it has been ongoing since October, and there is an error in ACH payments, they may say it’s your fault. The Taxes Withheld statement may also just mean that the 10% is withheld.

Honestly, I think some wires are getting crossed between you and the Dept. Remember to be clear and concise. If something doesn’t sound right, ask them to repeat and explain.