gdex86 t1_j7xylmm wrote
Like why?
Temple to my knowledge isn't a college that trades primarily on its domination in sports. So it's educational prestige is what keeps the doors open and money flowing. That is done by having prestige. To have that prestige they need to have these ground level educators working since no hot shot professor is going to do the scut work graduates do. So all they are telling future graduate students who might consider working there in the future is that end of the day if it comes to counting beans the university will fuck you over no regrets so why work there.
natesplace19010 t1_j7yhent wrote
If you are a graduate student at temple, you probably didn’t have a lot of other options… Temple is very underfunded compared with other universities.
pnedito t1_j7z7pjp wrote
I would venture that many Temple profs dont actually want the grad students doing scut work as the overhead to supervise said 'scut work' is more trouble than it's worth... which is why the striking grad students are out of line seeking a $32 per hour wage for part time work...
I support the strikers in theory, but the hourly rate demand is hyperbolic, and they need split the difference and settle out at $26.
Scatheli t1_j7z9h2t wrote
Temple grad students are making less than at any other school that is of equivalent rank (R1)- it’s absurd to expect people to live in Philly on 19k. And when they aren’t teaching classes they are doing other service to the university, aka research that the university gets credit for and gets published
Do you like advances in medical research? New drugs? They almost all start at these institutions in labs that employ these students
Individual_Bison1776 t1_j7zof7r wrote
Thats pretty much the standard PhD salary.
Scatheli t1_j7zphw8 wrote
It most certainly is not especially for biomedical science PhDs. I literally just did one. They are including tuition remission in their 40k number that Temple is touting on their website. They are giving 20k in actual take home money for their PhDs which is absurd. I made 32 by the time I finished and lived in a way cheaper city
deadliftothersup t1_j806wi2 wrote
19k is barely above what I made as a PhD student at UMaine a handful of years ago and it should go without saying that my cost of living was a hell of a lot less ($500 / room rent) than Philly.
Also, anyone saying your lab work, teaching responsibilities, and mentor work is part time are being pretty silly.
100nm t1_j83l4ee wrote
There are 168 hours in a week. Working 50-80 hours a week is only part of that time. /s
boringhistoryfan t1_j813nok wrote
It is nowhere close to the average. Colleges in cities with much lower COL offer much higher wages.
If you had said 22k or so was close to the average, that'd be correct. 19 is definitely underpaid. And offensively so for a major city. And post-Covid, the average has ticked up, though not as much as it should have.
BukkakeKing69 t1_j7zta3p wrote
Graduate researchers quite often put in 60 hour weeks and Temple pays a whopping $19.5k for this. I don't even know how that keeps someone off the streets.
The minimum wage was last raised in July 2009 at $7.25/hr. If you took a 40 hour work week and inflation adjusted it to today, it's almost $21k. Temple is an absolute joke.
jicket t1_j80qke7 wrote
I sUpPoRt ThE sTrIkErS iN ThEoRy
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