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Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7znluj wrote


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zse4e wrote

The old "you're being intolerant of intolerant people" nonsense. It's not a thing dude.


stjblair t1_j80o27n wrote

“How dare you call me an asshole for being an asshole”


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7zsrpx wrote

It is, there is no such thing as justified hate or intolerance. If you think there is, you're part of the problem.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zxzv3 wrote

Ah yes. We need to tolerate intolerance of marginalized groups. Say it out loud. Maybe you’ll get it.

Maybe we should have tolerated Germany’s intolerance of Jewish people? Or the south’s intolerance of black people?


demonicego93 t1_j81aqmp wrote

So many of this countries problems can be linked to our "tolerance" of violent racists in the south and not occupying and stamping out every confederate sympathizer following the Civil War. There is absolutely such a thing as justified hate and intolerance.