Submitted by susinpgh t3_10zsthg in Pennsylvania
Timewasted11222 t1_j85efdv wrote
So let’s get this clear. OP is happy that voter fraud was possible and because the candidate they want won they don’t want the state to ensure this doesn’t happen again
susinpgh OP t1_j85i8sz wrote
There is absolutely no reason for a third-party to review data at this depth. There have been several local reviews, some of them repeated. There is one currently going on (sorry, I can't remember off hand which county).
IamSauerKraut t1_j86b4xn wrote
Fulton County was done by Wake TSI. There is a long report.
Also, the Commonwealth sent out a request to 67 counties, of which 64 participated (Greene, Franklin, Lancaster and one other chose not to participate). Showed the election was free, fair and with only a few very small issues.
Some of what Dush's committee sought is now required pursuant to the settlement of a Jill Stein lawsuit. Dush no longer heads that committee and the proposed $270K contract with Envoy Sage appears to be void.
artisanrox t1_j8acxzg wrote
There IS reason to do this if you're pro fascist and want to start handing out some serious social/economic/etc consequences by how you saw people vote.
Comrade_Joe22 t1_j85g95x wrote
Almost every instance of voter fraud was from the GOP but go on
Timewasted11222 t1_j85vuwn wrote
So those videos of people covering the windows were by gop ? Stop it
IamSauerKraut t1_j86c678 wrote
What does covering windows have to do with certain republican men voting for their long-dead mothers?
SuggestAPhotoProject t1_j85o2i8 wrote
So let’s get this clear. u/Timewasted11222 has seen absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any voting impropriety, but they’re still angry because their God Emperor told them to be angry, so they’re insulting OP.
After 60+ failed lawsuits, only the most gullible moron on Earth would still beileve Trump’s Big Lie.
IamSauerKraut t1_j86ku0p wrote
It's not gullible. It just wants to shitpost and muddy the waters. But most of us see clear thru it.
Timewasted11222 t1_j85upqg wrote
Nobody mentioned anything about trump. Douche
SuggestAPhotoProject t1_j86mo8v wrote
Why don’t the mods ban trolls like this?
Timewasted11222 t1_j85unia wrote
No what I said is that all elections should have integrity and should be verified. How do you do that ? Every voter should have ID to vote. You show ID to get on a plane you show ID to buy beer/cigarettes but not to vote on who leads the states and country ? Smh you people are special
IamSauerKraut t1_j86l326 wrote
>should be verified. How do you do that ?
The Commonwealth ran 2 audits. Fulton also did its thing but could not find what it with Mastro and Ward's assistance tried to create out of thin air. The results of 2020 were verified.
ItsjustJim621 t1_j86v1ar wrote
False equivalency….buying beer/cigs and flying on a plane are privileges…voting is a constitutional right. If you’re going to make everyone require a voter ID, what solutions do you propose to make a voter ID free and accessible to eligible voters? Anything making someone pay for it is essentially a poll tax.
Finrodsrod t1_j889w74 wrote
He won't answer you lol. Funny enough these same people pushing for polling ID will absolutely lose their minds if you mention gun permits/licenses using drivers licensing as a parallel.
Cogatanu7CC95 t1_j85lkjx wrote
Only voter fraud was committed by republicans, as proven by the numerous cases found
EarthRester t1_j85rfqw wrote
And lets be clear here...they were found. The lack of a Voter ID system did not help anyone get away with voter fraud.
SunOutrageous6098 t1_j85ocyr wrote
Someone needs to prove that there was fraud in the first place. We already have many safeguards in place to ensure it doesn’t happen and they work.
Widespread voter fraud did not happen. There is no effort “to ensure this doesn’t happen again” because the system is designed to ensure is doesn’t happen to begin with.
Source: worked in a county elections office for over a decade.
Timewasted11222 t1_j85pr5h wrote
How do you know ? If they don’t ask for ID or anything else how can you say for sure there was none? I remember when trump won Hillary and every other dem said there was voter fraud . Now that mr mumbles won now everything was good. Please give it a rest
SunOutrageous6098 t1_j85w15x wrote
They do ask for ID. When you register to vote, your ID is verified. Before every election, voter registration is verified against multiple databases and discrepancies are investigated.
Some voters either need to produce ID or complete an affidavit confirming that they are who they say they are and live where they say they live. This information is noted in the Poll Books and the poll workers - who are elected- are responsible for following the instructions in the book. So, if you think they are committing fraud, consider running for Inspector of Elections yourself and doing the job.
When voters apply for an absentee or mail in ballot they have to provide ID. If they don’t, or voter services can’t verify it, their ballot can’t be counted until it’s verified.
There are multiple reports that have to be reconciled before an election can be certified.
The idea of widespread fraud- whether being asserted by Dem, Reps, Greens or Jedi’s - is equally problematic without evidence.
ieatpotatochips t1_j86aq82 wrote
> I remember when trump won Hillary and every other dem said there was voter fraud
Your memory is inaccurate.
Timewasted11222 t1_j87nesl wrote
Funny you have the same mental state as fetterman . It is available to see on the internet
Timewasted11222 t1_j87o5xm wrote
ieatpotatochips t1_j890ypv wrote
If you’re basing your memory on a random YouTube compilation of smash cut out of context video clips (seriously a bunch of those are SNL clips, you do know what SNL is right? And was that the former Mexican president???) then I can see how your memory became inaccurate.
IamSauerKraut t1_j86cdrh wrote
Trump filed over 60 lawsuits alleging fraud.
No evidence of fraud was presented. Indeed, in one federal case in PA, Giuliani stated in open court that he possessed no evidence of fraud. Case got tossed.
IamSauerKraut t1_j86liri wrote
>I remember when trump won Hillary and every other dem said there was voter fraud .
The claims that were made were centered around donnie dumpster fire receiving assistance from russia. Which benedict donald's henchmen attempted to turn into "russian collusion." Anyways, Mueller was investigating those claims until Billy Barr ran interference for the dumpster fire and prematurely shut down the investigation.
yeags86 t1_j87d2bl wrote
I remember Trump claiming voter fraud in 2016 because he didn’t win the popular vote.
Finrodsrod t1_j88a70p wrote
>Hillary and every other dem said there was voter fraud
Clinton conceded the same night... what are you even talking about?
Election interference by Russia ie a manipulation scheme is not the same thing as straight up changing ballots. Russia absolutely influenced a propaganda campaign to get Trump installed. That is fact based on the Muller report. Trumps team worked with Russia.
Diarygirl t1_j88rlv6 wrote
Nope. The only person who cried about voter fraud in 2016.
When Trump started crying about fraud before the election in 2020, didn't it seem familiar to you at all?
DeHizzy420 t1_j85toa3 wrote
You = 🤡
Timewasted11222 t1_j85u7q7 wrote
You = 🍆
akennelley t1_j88pzds wrote
[deleted] t1_j85non9 wrote
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