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Timewasted11222 t1_j85q449 wrote

I just hope when you don’t get the candidate of your choice you remember what you said about the voting process.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j86g3x3 wrote

In every election except for the 2020 General Election, and I guess the 2022 General Election in Arizona, the losing party has simply cried a river, built a bridge, and gotten over it.

No one ever seems to contest Primaries, even in States with Open Primaries.

Trump and Lake seem to be the only two that refuse to understand that their constituents chose someone else to lead.


MeEvilBob t1_j86ufi0 wrote

I'm sure if you interviewed the whole population, less than a third would even know what the primaries are.

Even less would know that municipal elections exist. It's insane how many people will brag about who they voted for president but have no idea who's running for mayor in their own city.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j8acnp4 wrote

Yes, you can tell just by voter turnout percentages. I was really hoping that all the attention elections were getting would help people understand that your local elections matter just as much, if not more, but instead we just got a buncha tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists who just go deeper every time their theory is debunked.


IamSauerKraut t1_j86lxf1 wrote

We often "don't get the candidate of [our] choice" but we don't whine like a bunch of crybabies or engage in sedition because we are unhappy with the results.


Socketfusion t1_j87mbsz wrote

How many democrat led investigations into voter fraud or election rigging were there when Trump won?


Timewasted11222 t1_j87pd01 wrote


Socketfusion t1_j87tx76 wrote

Of course there were plenty of people saying he shouldn't be president. He lost the popular vote. Where are the investigations claiming fraud though?Trump won PA when he wasn't expected to. Was there audits? County Commissioners refusing to certify results? Did the democrats start looking for bamboo in the ballots? Did democrats break into the US capitol to try to stop the certification of the election? Did democrats hold large "stop the steal" protests? Did a bunch of democrats still have Hillary signs up on their lawns two years later?

I'm unaffiliated and there are certainly some major problems with the DNC. But the GOP is giving anti-vax jewish space lasers lady a prime committee position and have a dude who took a 17 year old across state lines to have sex with her still in congress while the Dems forced out Al Franken. And Franken deserved it. But what he did is a pretty low bar compared to sitting congresspeople in the GOP. Clean your house and quit your whining.