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NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j85r985 wrote

That's a lovely straw man you've made in order to argue against a simplistic generalization you've made in your head. Perhaps you're an intelligent person and your anger, coupled with encouragement from the up-votes of the Reddit hive mind, has simply prevented you from making a calm and reasonable argument. Try again! I'll wait.


quietreasoning t1_j85uaf2 wrote

It's reality and you're either thinking you're benefiting from it or intentionally ignoring it to act like this. Jan 6th insurrectionists and traitors and terrorists are what these people are or supporting. It must be acknowledged with proper punishment, imprisonment, forbiddance from office, and loss of voting rights. We have laws that have been broken and we need to see justice.


Atrocious_1 t1_j85umtr wrote

How is what they claimed a strawman?


NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j85wif3 wrote

They said, in reply to my statement about both the left and the right of the US political spectrum not really being "nazis":

>The people who hate immigrants, jews, brown people, and women are called nazis. They are a danger and a scourge. Just wait til they shoot out your local power station on a cold winter night.

Not sure what he's on about with the power station thing - perhaps I'm behind on current events - but let's look at the rest. Who "hates" those groups of people? Show me proof he isn't just making up a straw man. Show me proof that some noteworthy proportion of the "Right wing" or the GOP actually "hates" anyone. And not by your own subjective interpretation, I'm talking like I want to hear them saying who they hate and why - is it brown-skinned people because they're brown? Or are you just hearing about support for strong immigration policy and interpreting something you think is "hate"? Because otherwise, what they said is 100% straw man.


Atrocious_1 t1_j85wnac wrote

Ok you're an idiot thanks


NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j85wsu4 wrote

I'm sorry you looked at a reasonable reply and decided to use an ad hom attack. That speaks boatloads about you. Please don't waste my time replying to me again.


Atrocious_1 t1_j85y20t wrote

I didn't see anything reasonable. I saw someone who is either oblivious to how the current GOP operates with it's culture war issues, or is desperate to pretend it's not happening


NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j86brb2 wrote

Okay, thank you for such a substantive reply. I see the errors of my thinking, and now I agree with everything you say. I have up-voted each of your comments to reflect that I have joined into the hive mind. Thank you for being so enlightening. ;)


NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j86cjpi wrote

Also, "reasonable" doesn't mean you agree with it. You disagreeing with something doesn't make it unreasonable, irrational, illogical or anything at all. I'm sorry you've taken the position of disagreeing with me and yet not having anything to support your own position.


steelceasar t1_j862ksr wrote

> Show me proof he isn't just making up a straw man.

You have no idea what a strawman argument even is do you?


NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j86b9mv wrote

A straw man argument is one which you make up in order to attack it and "win" an easier battle. Yes, I do know, and I clearly demonstrated why the above is a straw man. You are pretending that these people hate something they never said they hate. You have put words in their mouths. You have created a straw man argument, which is that they hate minorities, so that you can see yourself as the victor. In fact, they do not hate minorities. You have created that position for them. Thus, the epitome of a straw man, but do go on. Tell me why that isn't a perfect example of such a logical fallacy.


Timewasted11222 t1_j87p9xg wrote

They’re all full of it, And they don’t make sense. Funny how they even think. They sound like they have that indoctrination that media has given them . You can see that cnn is watched in their homes probably all the time