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steelceasar t1_j86036o wrote

And who would that be?


Timewasted11222 t1_j866iuv wrote

And also said he didn’t want black students going to school with white kids. But let me guess he’s changed.


IamSauerKraut t1_j86a5wt wrote

Byrd has long been dead. And he changed his tune long before that.


yeags86 t1_j87ag3e wrote

Just because you can’t change your shitty opinions doesn’t mean others can’t.


Timewasted11222 t1_j8665az wrote

Robert Byrd . Look it up


yeags86 t1_j87hez9 wrote

Nick Fuentes. Look him up.


Timewasted11222 t1_j88fo4k wrote

I know yeah the white supremist who’s actually Hispanic. Yeah makes as much sense as the democrat party. Nice try but but cnn calling him a supremist doesn’t mean it actually is


Timewasted11222 t1_j88ftza wrote

Or is it because he’s a proud American and to you clowns that means your a white nationalist