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berraberragood t1_j9pvyr5 wrote

They already had a Communications Department for stuff like this. They decided they needed more.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9qoybc wrote

Massive waste of taxpayer $$. Seems the conservatives on the SB do not know how to be fiscally conservative with other people's money. They should all resign.


yeags86 t1_j9rjwyk wrote

They never did know how to. Republicans claim to be fiscally conservative but history shows they are the exact opposite. They don’t care if people suffer, as long as it isn’t happening to them, or at least it being worse than other people for various, mostly hateful reasons.


Lawmonger t1_j9u6wxt wrote

How many proposals by students, teachers, or administrators have been shot down because there's no money for them in the budget?


IamSauerKraut t1_j9vb1wk wrote

Just because an item is a proposal does not mean it needs adopted or funded.


Lawmonger t1_j9virwa wrote

Yes, but blowing $15K on PR a month certainly lessens the resources that could be spent, don't you think?


IamSauerKraut t1_j9vwiaz wrote

I think. And I read. And I've been pretty clear about how I view the PR firm as a waste of taxpayer $$. Does that $$ need to be spent elsewhere? Not necessarily.


bharedotnet t1_j9wn9at wrote

The GOP are only fiscally conservative when Democrats are in the White House.