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tyrael459 t1_j9yafng wrote

Yea it just makes me sad and angry as a parent. I read an article where a dad at the bus stop said this was totally preventable and people need to slow the hell down in areas with lots of kids.


Neverendingwebinar t1_j9ybfuo wrote

This is why when I had smaller kids I had a rule to how close to the road they could stand.

We waiting in a driveway and the bottom square of the driveway was off limits until the bus stopped. If they stepped forward, they weren't in the street.

Small kids don't get it, an adult needed to corral them and drivers need to be more careful. Poor girl.


RDGCompany t1_j9ydcl6 wrote

>this was totally preventable and people need to slow the hell down.

Fixed it for you.