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ktappe t1_j9zslre wrote


vintageideals t1_j9ztpw2 wrote

Funny you claim that, because an eyewitness who was there, a man named in a news article, witnessed her death and said there are things we can do to prevent this from happening-“stop signs, speed limits, watch out for kids”. Sure sounds like someone was speeding and so distracted and or careless so as not to slow down at a bus stop where 3-6 children were waiting. The article also states she was going to cross the road to the bus, so it’s pretty safe to assume the bus was stopped and the driver of the car that hit her did not stop.


ktappe t1_j9zycq2 wrote

If the driver had passed a stopped school bus with flashing lights, they would have been arrested. They were not. So no, it's not safe to assume that at all.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_ja0bj3k wrote

> If the driver had passed a stopped school bus with flashing lights, they would have been arrested.

Lol have you been out driving lately?


ktappe t1_ja0bvsd wrote

Fine, be pedantic. If the driver had passed a stopped school bus with flashing lights, and hit and killed a child, they would have been arrested. Sorry for assuming that part was clearly implied.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_ja0bxsf wrote

Haha, but no, really, have you been out driving lately?


ktappe t1_ja0c50a wrote

I'm a bicyclist. I was nearly hit by two different pickup trucks on Thursday. Yes, drivers suck. But I still have trouble believing that if someone violates the law and kills someone, the cops do absolutely nothing.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_ja0dubu wrote

> I still have trouble believing that if someone violates the law and kills someone, the cops do absolutely nothing.

Ahaha you sweet summer child
