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decrementsf t1_j8fco59 wrote

Car dealerships have voluminous research related to this on what makes prey accept a used car when they wander into the kill box.

Turns out pattern recognition of emotion-laden language and aggressive shut-down of open dialogue associate those behaviors with frauds and charlatans. For some segment of the population, turn up the volume to 11 and they will comply. For others they have the opposite reaction and you lose them forever.

This is the way of the COVID experience. Landed the segment of the population who turn to news for cultural and emotional guidance. Lost the actuaries, engineers, and statisticians who tend to live in the messy data and crunch the numbers looking for deeper analysis. Those with professional experience, or have seen a fraud or two, intuited deviation from sound methodology.

Cutting corners for expediency through emotion-laden messaging comes at too high a cost to be useful. The strategy destroys trust and reduces overall acceptance. You can goose the difficult process of communication by using these tactics in good faith. The cost is you signal a potential fraud, regardless of your intentions.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8i65c3 wrote

"Engineers" are dumb as fuck outside of their area of expertise, same as everyone else.


decrementsf t1_j8ic3gs wrote

Not in my experience. Grounding methods for thinking on how things work forces you to connect ideas anchored in reality. You do not get the wild unreproducible takes seen out of the Humanities, where they are happy to manipulate their data to fit the story they wish to tell. Engineers on average have a skill-set that allows them to adopt new fields that can produce things of value at a faster rate than most.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8icjip wrote

> You do not get the wild unreproducible takes seen out of the Humanities, where they are happy to manipulate their data to fit the story they wish to tell.

Scientists manipulated the data on smoking and lung cancer for the better part of a century.
Engineers manipulated the data on tetraethyl lead in automobile gasoline for the better part of a century.
Those are just two examples that spring to mind of "wild unreproducible takes" out of the non-Humanities.

Your experience is incredibly naive and you sound like an engineering undergrad who's actually taking the professional pride bullshit seriously.


decrementsf t1_j8iihd7 wrote

Engineers are not equal to corruption. You're describing unethical management decisions.

Coming from the perspective of a decade in corporate.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8iipcm wrote

Ah, when engineers and scientists make shit up, it's somebody else's fault. Got it. Not at all like those dumb humanities majors.
How many years into your undergrad are you?