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69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8joi6l wrote

> All vaccinations come with risks.

This is not a meaningful statement.

No one is suggesting that young males not get a regular regimen of childhood vaccinations. Every male in America has gotten their CDC-recommended regimen of vaccinations, and all states require this to enter primary school.

You are only suggesting that young males not get this vaccine. You are only saying "vaccines have risks!" (that we're not invoking for other vaccines) and that I should "read up more on the subject," that's why I'm saying your angle here is obvious bullshit. If you had a real reason why young people (especially males) should not get it, you'd just post it.


There is zero reason for anyone, including young males, to not get the Covid vaccine. It is not perfect but the benefits outweigh the risks, just like any vaccine.
