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lm896 t1_ja4tjbp wrote

I am not sure how easy it is. I have a fairly serious mental illness that is well treated with medication, therapy, self care, etc. However to get approved for mawd my therapist had to write a letter stating I was literally at risk of death via suicide without medication. That's a lot to ask of a provider and a lot for someone with a mental illness to be willing to face/admit with the associated stigma.


tinymonesters t1_ja56kk2 wrote

They generally aren't interested in that type of statement. They want treatment records, the type they would send if you were transferring your care to them. In my experience they're looking for a reason to approve, not a reason to deny.


lm896 t1_jaa3132 wrote

They had all my treatment records. I have had the opposite experience that they absolutely look for reasons to deny. It could be the caseworkers/counties involved I suppose.


tinymonesters t1_jaaeugf wrote

Most likely it's the worker. I can choose if the information is sufficient for review personally. And I do when it's a vague statement like: "(Insert name here) is under my care for (whatever diagnosis)" nope not spending tax money to get a guaranteed denial.

Edit: I have actually literally Never gotten a "denial" it's "I need more information".