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arnott t1_j8p2kmk wrote

Who made the decision to allow Norfolk Southern to burn hazardous chemicals?


hahahoudini OP t1_j8p65b6 wrote

IIRC there was a meeting with state officials, railroad execs, and chemical experts.


arnott t1_j8p70ub wrote

No one from EPA or FEMA?


hahahoudini OP t1_j8pefot wrote

I honestly don't know all the details, i watched a local news segment this morning that included an Ohio state rep who said he was in the situation room when they made the call, and answered from memory


arnott t1_j8pg4al wrote

Ok, thanks. Hopefully there is an investigation on this.


SquareConfusion t1_j8q1qof wrote

No one with half a brain. The correct method of dealing with these chemicals is liquid nitrogen and then dig it up and store it in a container.


arnott t1_j8rhszr wrote

Thanks for the info. Why has this post been removed?

Update: Strange, not sure if this post has been removed or not.