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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8pp0b4 wrote

Catholic school. Have you been following the news at all?


[deleted] t1_j8rjjnn wrote



69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8s0p0z wrote

No one owes the OP answers.


[deleted] t1_j8s0s22 wrote



gregv64 OP t1_j8ps2ks wrote

With regards to?


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8psxaa wrote

You are unaware of the pedophelia rampant in the catholic church? You aren’t concerned that your own children could become victims as well?


IamSauerKraut t1_j8s486w wrote

>You are unaware of the pedophelia rampant in the catholic church?

Don't be an uninformed bigot. Today's Catholic Church is not the unaccountable Catholic Church of yesterday.


Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8sauv9 wrote

Public school teachers are not only grooming children, they are raping them . Every day there is another story about a public school teacher molesting a student.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8sb94n wrote

Fundamentalist preachers are indoctrinating, grooming and raping parishioners and the children of parishioners.

Whatever "grooming" means, the fundies are doing it, too.


Patiod t1_j8se095 wrote

As a former Catholic, I've got no horse in this race, but are you aware of all the sex scandals that are happening with protestant "Youth Pastors" hooking up with teenagers in their Youth Groups?

It's also rampant in a lot of the higher-control religions like JW, Mennonites, Amish, etc. It's everywhere.


Endlesshills03 t1_j8uszcu wrote

They are looking at Bradford county, they obviously don't care about their kids getting raped.

*semi joke - they likely don't know about how the schools regularly cover up sexual abuse in the community, or in the schools themselves.


[deleted] t1_j8qasrj wrote



[deleted] t1_j8rj5lk wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rw90z wrote

Just bc you, some random person, had a great experience, does not mean that that is everyones experience, and this article shows that you got lucky. Also just bc you didnt see it occur doesnt mean it didnt. Get real


[deleted] t1_j8rwlni wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rx437 wrote

Yes you did. “And nothing like that occured here” Direct quote from you. You dont know that. You cant guarentee that.


[deleted] t1_j8rx9zl wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxmae wrote

So? You obviously still stand behind it.


[deleted] t1_j8rxxh3 wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s1x50 wrote

Nah youre the one still here insisting that you had a great experience at some nameless catholic school and then insisted no one at that school ever got molested there. If you didnt still stand behind it, youd stop commentingn promoting catholic instituions.


[deleted] t1_j8s2hki wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s3duo wrote

Nah im having a great day. If you recongise that you wouldnt continue to promote them. Imagine you told OP to send his kid to this specific school and then while theyre at that school, they get molested. Still confident your experience, that happened however many years ago, matters?


[deleted] t1_j8s4vxm wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s86bp wrote

Believe me no one is obssessed with you. You keep saying you had a good experience over and over again. Thats a recommendation. No one is putting words in your mouth, we are taking them directly from your previous comments.


[deleted] t1_j8s5czy wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s8fiu wrote

See thats where our differences lie. I never said anything about any schools other than providing a source that says the catholic churches in PA have a proven history of molestation. Im not making recommendations or standing up for a specific school system. You are.


Jotakave t1_j8r4a5w wrote

That you know of


[deleted] t1_j8rj760 wrote



Jotakave t1_j8rnuj6 wrote

It’s not tantrums. There’s staggering amount of documentation regarding abuse and yet people think it’s a tantrum. ‘not every priest is a pedophile’ is always the usual counter argument and that’s actually true. The problem is when you have an organization going above and beyond to cover all this stuff up for CENTURIES. Abuse of children, genocide of tribal peoples in America, Africa, Australia, corruption and just the cheer amount of money that has been used to pay for churches, mega cathedrals, TV ads and abuse settlements. All the money that could’ve been put towards something meaningful. But yes. It’s Reddit throwing tantrums. Open your eyes. In my personal experience I had an education through Catholic schools. I wasn’t abused but i was bombarded with some BS regarding gay people, sex before marriage and saving yourself as a woman for your husband. What a load of crap that turned out to be.


[deleted] t1_j8roevt wrote



Jotakave t1_j8rvgtl wrote

Just because it wasn’t your experience it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen to other people. It’s like saying that ‘hurricanes aren’t that bad, my house is still standing’ when hundreds of others suffer the aftermath of one.


[deleted] t1_j8rworr wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxbq1 wrote

In the parent comment to my comment you said “and nothing like that occurred here” thats when you said it didnt happen to other people. Just so u/jotkave has receipts


[deleted] t1_j8rxeyq wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxt5p wrote

Nah youre dirty deleting.


[deleted] t1_j8rxws1 wrote



Jotakave t1_j8rzhn3 wrote

As you claimed you never said that. Who’s the one lacking any kind of comprehension? Just because you deleted it now doesn’t mean that our comments right after you said it weren’t valid. So salty for a person who’s no longer Catholic. Got sip some tears of repent.


[deleted] t1_j8rzluf wrote



Jotakave t1_j8rzy50 wrote

Have you ever heard of auto correct? You’re right. We’re all wrong. Maybe you should go to confession this weekend. Can’t take communion with a mouth full of lies.


[deleted] t1_j8s04rp wrote



Jotakave t1_j8s09rd wrote

For someone who doesn’t believe you’re pretty butt hurt about people criticizing that filthy institution.


Jotakave t1_j8rxiv5 wrote

You’re making that statement as to mean that because it wasn’t your experience it can’t that of others. Or why else would you say that? Either way I’m not going to waste my time on this anymore. Go be a Christian but at least don’t feel like you have to hide behind whatever this account of yours is.


Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8saljy wrote

There are pedophiles in all groups of people. Look at all the teachers being arrested in public schools across the Country.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8sbg87 wrote

Compare the number of pedophiles in the Catholic church to the ones in public schools and get back to me.
The Catholic church deliberately and intentionally shielded pedophiles by moving them to different schools and dioceses for decades in the US.


Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8si9tg wrote

I get it. YOU are anti Catholic, pro Government schools. BTW those crimes mostly happened decades ago and more of them have been defrocked. Crimes against children in our public schools are happening NOW every day.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8sigzr wrote

> pro Government schools.

Here's the keyword to let you know this guy is a nut, the right wing nutjobs call public schools "government schools."
> Crimes against children in our public schools are happening NOW every day.

The Catholic church systematically enabled child molestation and covered it up.


Zealousideal_Low_559 t1_j8sjx3d wrote

Public schools ARE Government schools and anything and everything run by the government is inept .


gregv64 OP t1_j8pvbkq wrote

Im not sending them to a seminary. Im weary of the public education system. In Canada public and catholic schools are equally funded by taxpayers. Private schools are few and far between. Only difference in catholic schools in canada is uniforms in high school, and you have a religion class once a day. This is what we are used to/expect.

We want small class sizes, and a very safe school. Don't know if that exists in america..


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8pvx9r wrote

Over and over again, for me, The catholics I’ve met are the meanest people I’ve met so not a good choice imho


artificialavocado t1_j8q6gsu wrote

Dude don’t listen to these people. Nobody is saying it isn’t an issue but largely do to anti-Catholic bias in America they make it seem a lot bigger than it actually is. We’ve seen incidences and cover ups in all institutions. Police, medical services, sports, and other religious denominations.


gregv64 OP t1_j8psl1u wrote

I should add-school safety is our top priority. The shootings in america are nuts. We have lived in america 10 years, things like this just dont happen in Canada.


Critical_Band5649 t1_j8pxd1a wrote

My aunt's catholic high school had a shooting in Central PA in the early 2000s. They happen in catholic schools as well.


GraffitiTavern t1_j8q0ywn wrote

Also bullying in Catholic schools, there's more ways that kids get hurt than guns


gregv64 OP t1_j8q1k63 wrote

See, it was opposite where i grew up. The public high schools always had fights, drugs, cops..not too often at my catholic school…

Its not that we require a “catholic” private school. Small class sizes, security, good education are what we are after.

Im aware were trying to have our cake and eat it too..


Optimal_Spend779 t1_j8qcu8j wrote

Lol please don’t come here, for several reasons


gregv64 OP t1_j8qcwpl wrote

Constructive comment. Why?


Optimal_Spend779 t1_j8qd1ey wrote

Because you’re chasing something that doesn’t exist. That’s the nice version of what I would like to say.


gregv64 OP t1_j8qdbmj wrote

Do you think what i am chasing exists, somewhere? And where is “here”? Id like to hear your full take and experiences to this concluding thought.

We currently live half hour from Flint. People hear that and think we live in a wasteland, where in reality it couldnt be further from the truth.


Optimal_Spend779 t1_j8qdzg4 wrote

No, I don’t and I think your comments make you sound pretty naive. You can be weary of the public school system here all you want but a) catholic schools aren’t somehow magically immune to these issues, in fact I would argue they have the same issues plus others, and b) such a school that is 100% safe just doesn’t exist. “Here” being the entirety of Pennsylvania.

“I’m aware we are trying to have our cake and eat it too” - so I guess you’re at least a little self-aware after all.


gregv64 OP t1_j8qeesn wrote

If you read my opening remarks, youll see that we are from canada, and the american school system is foreign to us, being that our oldest is just going to start this september. All i have to go on is anecdotal evidence from people we know that have similar age children, which are only a handful. And what you read in the internet has to be taken with a large scoop of salt as everyone has an opinion, from all areas and walks of life..

I ask about “here” as im sure life and education/environment in philly is different than a valley in bradford.
I mentioned we are near flint. Life in flint and quality of education is a polar opposite of what its like in my little town, 30 miles away.

Yes I am naive to life in PA. I have never been, just drove through the mountain regions of southern NY, looked beautiful. And the homes, land in PA look gorgeous as well.


Pink_Slyvie t1_j8qjx0y wrote

>youll see that we are from canada

To be frank, Many of us would are dying to have an easy path to Canada, or just out of the US. Every election cycle I need to make sure my family is prepped to flee PA to a blue state, and possibly the country if it goes really south.

My advice, go back to Canada, it's going to get worse before it gets better here.


gregv64 OP t1_j8qkhnb wrote

If the real estate market and job prospects werent a wasteland...we would.
The average home price in toronto now is well over a million dollars and you need 200k income to qualify for a mortgage.
Sure toronto is a prosperous city...but houses are still near a million bucks 6 hours away where the major employer is tim hortons and a home hardware.
The same kind of jobs (of which there are 1/20th that are here) pay roughly 30% less while getting taxed more than 15%+ more than here., and sales and carbon tax is another 20% on much of the commodities you buy, gasoline, natural gas, oil.

Home prices and salaries were totally normal and inline 10 years ago. I don't understand how anyone survives there now as a new resident or new home buyer...


Pink_Slyvie t1_j8qko6z wrote

No one is surviving here either. Sure, you can move out to the boonies with terrible schools like you are asking about and get property and a house for dirt cheap, but unless you work remotely, good luck affording anything.


gregv64 OP t1_j8ql4dl wrote

This is the only way we are considering the move. I have a good remote job, can work it as long as its within US territory.
the PA geography looks much more pleasing to us than MI boonies (and MI land tax is outrageous!) We are somewhat bound by proximity to family...otherwise we'd be in some real mountains out west.
NY state is very nice too hell with their taxes on taxes and front plates on cars.


Pink_Slyvie t1_j8qlc9z wrote

If I had the means, I'd take NY over PA any day. College provided for kids? Most won't ever save that much on taxes.

If you are *really* concerned with schools, Northern Baltimore County is a superb public school area, it's an expensive, but wonderful area, and can likely fit your needs. I can't think of anywhere in rural PA that even comes close.


gregv64 OP t1_j8qlo7p wrote

Thank you for your input.
What do you mean by "College provided for kids?"


Pink_Slyvie t1_j8qocbz wrote

As it stands, with several limitations, kids in New York state get full tuition covered by the state, up to 125k. Hell, most adults can take advantage of it too.

That alone covers the increased taxes for most individuals.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8s6l26 wrote

If your kids are smart and they grow up in NY, they have a good chance of getting into Cornell - NY's land grant school that is also an Ivy League school. A number of SUNY schools are top notch as well.


Optimal_Spend779 t1_j8s79d7 wrote

And what exactly do you think the job prospects and real estate market are doing pretty much everywhere in the US right now? You sound incredibly clueless.


gregv64 OP t1_j8s89og wrote

You clearly havent spent time looking for work in my field and don't pay attention to the canadian real estate market. Thats fine, i wouldnt expect you to.Real estate all over US is coming down, sales are still happening for solid pricing. I know this due to sales in my zip code. I see this as I watch prospective properties in areas I like. When they cut the price to a level Id feel comfortable with, others agree and listing goes pending. There is also a ridiculous amount of engineering work in MI, along with now-remote. The pay is also ever increasing in my field.

Canadian real estate prices are not coming down. Will they? maybe, i dont have a crystal ball. They have continued to go up until about December 2022. Now they are stagnant. Yet, somehow..people are still buying. i don't know where they get the money from.I mentioned earlier, the job prospects in my field in Canada are 1/20th of the availability as they are here. Cross border remote work is extremely rare due to taxation and business structures so that option is out for me.


Optimal_Spend779 t1_j8sew6b wrote

Yeah dude why would I spend time looking for work in your field when I don’t even know what field that is? Must be one that doesn’t require understanding of basic punctuation or grammar, apparently. Catholic school graduate? High quality education, clearly.

I see there are some issues in Canada I was unaware of, but you seem to be pretty uninformed about issues happening in the country where you currently live. Good luck I guess.


gregv64 OP t1_j8sfjvi wrote

Im typing on my phone, dont care about grammar on a message board. Every single place on earth has its own issues, pick which are the least of the evils you are willing to deal with.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8s67t8 wrote

Maybe you should reconsider PA. Try northern New England.


gregv64 OP t1_j8qehlc wrote

Lol why am i getting down voted for this and anytime i bring up catholic religion?


Jotakave t1_j8r44ga wrote

Did you now follow the Canadian news on mass graves of native children near Catholic Churches? As a person who grew up Catholic and now abhors this institution I can’t fathom why anyone would think anything Catholic is ok.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8s5puz wrote

>Doesn't really matter what you think.

Yet, here he is, criticizing you for your thoughts.


Pink_Slyvie t1_j8qk7a4 wrote

>lol why am i getting down voted for this and anytime i bring up catholic religion?

A few reasons. The catholic church is corrupt to its core. We know nothing from scripture is true, at best its legend is greatly exaggerated, just from archeological evidence. The abuse and issues that are rampant in the Catholic church.

That's probably not it though, this is very, very deep evangelical territory. Evangelicals don't consider Catholics Christians and often view them as poorly as other religions.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8s5s48 wrote

>The catholic church is corrupt to its core.

Bigots are bigots to the core.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8s5lzg wrote

MastriaNO fans populate reddit. They hate Catholics. But you'll find plenty of Mastro worshipers in northern PA. Just put the sign out in your yard and they'll welcome you with open arms. They'll like you even better if you talk shit on the public schools.


artificialavocado t1_j8q5w1w wrote

Let me be clear I’m not trying to downplay it at all but incidences like that the availability heuristic makes it feel more likely than it really is. Sort of like plane crashes. The chances of any particular school having an incident is astronomically low.


gregv64 OP t1_j8qem73 wrote

Yes, on a statistic level i agree. America also has 11x the population of canada so the chance of literally any event (robbery, murder, car accident) is 11x higher.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8s4wjg wrote

School violence does not happen in Canada? That's a lie.


gregv64 OP t1_j8s5p1g wrote

School shootings i said. Everyone everywhere gets an ass whooping.We just had Oxford shooting last year, now MSU. Downvote all you want, school shootings are very, very rare in Canada.


Optimal_Spend779 t1_j8s8o2z wrote

Then move back to Canada. You want a utopia that doesn’t exist in America. It doesn’t in Canada either but whatever you wanna tell yourself.