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gregv64 OP t1_j8pvbkq wrote

Im not sending them to a seminary. Im weary of the public education system. In Canada public and catholic schools are equally funded by taxpayers. Private schools are few and far between. Only difference in catholic schools in canada is uniforms in high school, and you have a religion class once a day. This is what we are used to/expect.

We want small class sizes, and a very safe school. Don't know if that exists in america..


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8pvx9r wrote

Over and over again, for me, The catholics I’ve met are the meanest people I’ve met so not a good choice imho


artificialavocado t1_j8q6gsu wrote

Dude don’t listen to these people. Nobody is saying it isn’t an issue but largely do to anti-Catholic bias in America they make it seem a lot bigger than it actually is. We’ve seen incidences and cover ups in all institutions. Police, medical services, sports, and other religious denominations.
