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DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s3duo wrote

Nah im having a great day. If you recongise that you wouldnt continue to promote them. Imagine you told OP to send his kid to this specific school and then while theyre at that school, they get molested. Still confident your experience, that happened however many years ago, matters?


[deleted] t1_j8s4vxm wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s86bp wrote

Believe me no one is obssessed with you. You keep saying you had a good experience over and over again. Thats a recommendation. No one is putting words in your mouth, we are taking them directly from your previous comments.


[deleted] t1_j8s5czy wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8s8fiu wrote

See thats where our differences lie. I never said anything about any schools other than providing a source that says the catholic churches in PA have a proven history of molestation. Im not making recommendations or standing up for a specific school system. You are.