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Blu_Skies_In_My_Head t1_j8pwav1 wrote

It’s gonna spread, everyone knows this. It will continue along the seam. It will emit crazy amounts of CO2. It already does.


Shad0wSmurf t1_j8q4v08 wrote

There goes the neighborhood.. literally


randomnighmare t1_j8qa7mc wrote

Is this the Centralia fire? Because everyone is aware that it will continue to spread for another 250 years, give or take of course. The who seam is going to be burned and estimates is that there is enough coal to last 250 years. Keep in mind the fire actually started in the 1962, so it was burning for about 61 years, as of now.


o_liv_abuse_hole t1_j8rsbo0 wrote

Build a marshmallow factory, a Graham cracker factory and bring chocolate, perfect


IamSauerKraut t1_j8rxh6p wrote

The tv station could run this entire story in one clip instead of the stupid 2-minute teaser segments that essentially repeats old news.


starcom_magnate t1_j8rxh9x wrote

The article does say that PA DEP claims they are not connected, but they also admit:

>that monitoring had been limited to surface surveys with "thermal imaging cameras."

So, it is very possible that there is a connection deeper than what they have probed. It almost seems like the DEP is fearful to actually discover that connection.