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Allemaengel t1_j98b05m wrote

I live a mile from Beltzville and always thought that was strictly a Memorial Day to Labor Day weekend thing, lol.


PoorFraxinus t1_j98dpzf wrote

I imagine the water isn’t frozen over this year, so it’s a possibility


Allemaengel t1_j98dyul wrote

It briefly tried to freeze in the Pine Run cove under the bridge a couple times but that was it.


PoorFraxinus t1_j98epwo wrote

Maybe La Niña will fuck off next year and we’ll have more seasonable weather. I know our climate is expected to become more like the Carolina’s in upcoming decades, but year by year weather can always be somewhat variable


Allemaengel t1_j98eybg wrote

Yeah, likely that scenario. I like long true cold winters and some snow (no ice or mud).