ramvan t1_ja83he5 wrote
Come on, GOP, you’re almost there. If a med card shouldn’t get in the way of owning a gun, make the next tiny leap and legalize it recreationally. Raise more tax money and reduce crime and the prison population!
beef_is_here t1_ja86du8 wrote
They were with you until you said “reduce the prison population.”
ramvan t1_ja8bn4i wrote
People are still getting arrested for pot, as dumb as that is.
beef_is_here t1_ja8bz50 wrote
Yeah, just as the GOP wants. They don’t want to STOP putting people in jail, they would prefer to put MORE people in jail.
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_ja99773 wrote
Yeah, the GOP needs their slaves ummm I mean they need their forced labor... wait...that's not right either... ummm
[deleted] t1_ja9awm8 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja9dttx wrote
drxdrg08 t1_ja8p9y2 wrote
> they would prefer to put MORE people in jail
What's the incentive to do that do you think?
WallStSucksChinaDick t1_ja8skuh wrote
Are you asking why? Because private prisons will not filled themselves up on their own. Follow money. Profit.
drxdrg08 t1_ja9qrnu wrote
There are no private prisons in this state.
Dagon_Targaryen t1_ja8ze41 wrote
The for profit prison industry for one but mainly who do you think gets disproportionately arrested and convicted of these crimes….
drxdrg08 t1_ja9qt70 wrote
There are no private prisons in this state.
Dagon_Targaryen t1_ja9s9dq wrote
The state owns the prisons but contracts out to private for profit security companies like The GEO Group to run our prisons. Nice try though.
drxdrg08 t1_ja9uz6h wrote
That's not true. Prison guards are unionized civil service positions.
Dagon_Targaryen t1_ja9xn6n wrote
My guy I don’t think you are quite grasping the concept that PA has a mixture of state run and contracted facilities.
What’s funny is you can even look through by district and region on the cor.pa.gov site and see which are contract too.
Odd_Shirt_3556 t1_ja914xb wrote
Do you know where a lot of people get arrested for weed? College and Universities… The reason why is even more bizarre. The Federal Government has a law that says if they don’t charge drug crimes that the school could lose federal funds and aid. Also once you are convicted, you are ineligible for federal aid.
[deleted] t1_ja8d9me wrote
I don’t think very many people are going to jail for weed these days, unless it’s use was a parole violation or something. Or if they’re dealing, but the easy way to get rid of the street dealers is to legalize it recreationally.
Black_Fish1 t1_ja8f6rj wrote
Smelling pot still a valid suspicion for searching a car?
[deleted] t1_ja8fpl8 wrote
The state Supreme Court ruled that it is not…
That_Checks t1_ja9187j wrote
My dude spitting facts and citing it.
[deleted] t1_ja9vi94 wrote
dallasfan1985 t1_ja9vdn7 wrote
Don’t know why this got downvoted. I work in a state prison, and can assure you there’s nobody in there for weed anymore. That is a leftist misconception. As a matter of fact parolees don’t even get brought back for weed/failing a urine test. The people that belong there are there. The woke DAs aren’t prosecuting violent offenses like they should be. I don’t see how much more we could lower the state prison population without becoming NY or California.
Fluiddruid4k t1_ja8zm80 wrote
You’d think Republicans would all be down for loosing up gun restrictions. Smh not the republicans that they use to be
[deleted] t1_ja9i6kt wrote
Yeah, they are no longer the party of small government. They want to tell you who you can love, they want to force Christianity through the government, and now they prove they don’t really support the 2nd amendment.
AdriftAtLast t1_jac1ngi wrote
It's really strange actually. Whenever it counts, meaningful gun legislation protecting gun ownership and cleaning up purposefully obfuscated laws is never brought to the table.
Gun rights should never be a politically sided issue. An armed populace is harder to oppress.
Subliminal87 t1_ja8m0il wrote
When we past medical marijuana, the top republican literally cried to the news. We have a few years to go sadly I’m sure.
[deleted] t1_ja9abhm wrote
[deleted] t1_ja9na0m wrote
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