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oldschoolskater OP t1_j9ft3ql wrote

Shapiro seems to be staying on top of the disaster. Representing Pennsylvania well.

The Trump Show is on tomorrow.

Edit: removed quotes that are no longer in the article. It appears the article was rewritten.


Finrodsrod t1_j9gdyze wrote

Oh Shapiro can dictate what happens in Ohio now? Gee golly, it seems those wacky Democrats are always so sneaky and powerful, and at the same time somehow weak and limp wristed...

Shapiro is powerful enough to control Ohio, but too weak to do it correctly? Is that what you're saying?


GunterBoden t1_j9go6eg wrote

Do me a favor and look up the chemical formula for vinyl chloride, and then please google polyvinyl chloride's chemical formula. Then open up a dictionary and find the word poly for me. Thank you.


Mysterious487 t1_j9gtdc6 wrote

This is from Gov. Shapiro’s Facebook page. “In the face of Norfolk Southern’s failures, I want you to know we are fighting back with every tool we have. Today, I stood alongside the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as they ordered Norfolk Southern to pay to clean up the mess they created. Nothing can make up for the damage already done — but what the people of Pennsylvania and Ohio deserve now is accountability. This is an important step that will give our communities confidence that they will not be on the hook to clean up a multi-billion dollar company’s mess.” I believe Gov. Shapiro is going to hold their feet to the fire. He’s doing a great job.


cashonlyplz t1_j9gtszc wrote

FYI to folks, cuz I had to check on one of the clown here's "sources". Rumble is an online video platform and cloud services business[2][3] headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with its U.S. headquarters in Longboat Key, Florida.[4] It was founded in October 2013 by Chris Pavlovski, a Canadian technology entrepreneur.[5] The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users. The platform has been described as part of "alt-tech".


cashonlyplz t1_j9gtw93 wrote

You are literally reposting truth social adjacent BS like it's any better.

Rumble is an online video platform and cloud services business[[2]]([[3]]( headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with its U.S. headquarters in Longboat Key, Florida.[[4]]( It was founded in October 2013 by Chris Pavlovski, a Canadian technology entrepreneur.[[5]]( The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users. The platform has been described as part of "alt-tech".

So... Maybe no media is without bias and you should shut the truck up


cashonlyplz t1_j9guq5l wrote

I hate this because I am, through and through, on the side of ecological justice but this is misleading and wrong.

Norfolk Southern suuucks and this is very bad, but it is not nearly as bad as folks on the left (and right) want this to be.

Yes, press is being boxed out and we don't know shit. So... Guess what folks, we still hardly know shit about the overall impact. That's very bad, but that doesn't mean we need to be Chicken Little-ing all the live long day. Either get on the ground and test yourself, or wait for the data.


GunterBoden t1_j9gw4xm wrote

From your own source:

"In a press conference on Tuesday, Governor Mike DeWine said before deciding to implement the controlled release, he and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro spoke with representatives from the railroad who recommended that the controlled release was the best option for the safety of the residents."

""We made the decision to go ahead with the controlled release,” DeWine said."


doubtingtomjr t1_j9hjqbi wrote

Ohio voters are gonna riot when they grasp that the Fed’ral guvvement is goose-stepping all over small businesses like Norfolk-Southern.


RamenPizza113 t1_j9isl7l wrote

So they’re finally gonna address the public about it


jroc9696 t1_j9j87ak wrote

Lmao this comment thread hating on Trump but nice y'all can just ignore the actual sitting president decided to fuck off to the corrupt cesspool of Ukraine to go kiss his YoungBoy Zelensky, while his own country is experiencing a crisis that could be on the level of Chernobyl...

Yeah yeah of course Trump showed up for optics, but that's literally the job of a president. Y'all are the same types that probably clapped and cried when Obama showed up to Flint and "drank the water," which was more of a PR stunt than even Trump has mustered. Not to mention the fact the people of Flint absolutely hated when Obama did that


Chemical_Miracle_0 t1_j9jd5cn wrote

Definitely missed the “but the air is safe” part of the snarky comment but I’m still scratching my head what the EPA or the rail industry have to do with covid and mask mandates. Still far from the most reasonable comment to ever grace this sub, bub.


jroc9696 t1_j9jdv70 wrote

Don't take it so literally. OP isnt saying Norfolk Southern had anything to do with Covid. He means the politicians and media

My whole point with saying it's the most reasonable comment on this sub again shouldn't be taken so literally. I'm just saying how if you say anything against the narrative and agenda pushed so heavily by this sub, you will be downvoted to hell. This sub has no tolerance for reason, critical thinking, or alternative opinions. You either comment agreeing with whatever liberal post was made, or you voice another opinion and get downvoted to hell. It's the epitome of an echo chamber. This sub in no way represents PA as a whole. Which isnt surprising given it's reddit, but I like to come here occasionally to point this shit out to all the circlejerkers here


unenlightenedgoblin t1_j9jfnbq wrote

That narrative is so tired. Yes it’s bad that Biden didn’t visit East Palestine OH, but it’s also good that he visited Ukraine (the derailment happened 2.5 weeks ago, plenty of time to do both). When you can’t even criticize our current president without spewing Kremlin propaganda it just makes you look bad man.

And it’s just quite literally not comparable to Chernobyl. Next time just say that you don’t know what a half-life is.


mcs0301 t1_j9jgjw6 wrote

If the lord is your shepherd and you are part of his flock why try to insult others by calling them sheep?

I'm also curious why an avid church goer feels the need to insult others and call them names in the first place.

This is an odd religion you practice.


unenlightenedgoblin t1_j9jlk9a wrote

Ah yes the enlightened czar Putin. What glimmering values he espouses. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, wannabe edgelord. If you like authoritarianism so much, I’m sure they’re eager for new recruits.


jroc9696 t1_j9jm3ym wrote

Where did I ever say Putin was any better? He can be hung publicly just like all of the other leaders of the world. It's us vs them bud. I could say the exact same shit you said to me back to you, but just replace Putin with Biden or Zelensky. Seems you have your 👄 wrapped too securely around their 🍆s to realize who they actually are and what they stand for, tho. They can all burn for all I care. And they will.


unenlightenedgoblin t1_j9jmpyb wrote

Idk man your whole initial post read like one of those dolls where you pull a string and a pre-recorded quip from Fox News/Kremlin/whatever other Jordan Peterson-type shit you’re consuming pops out. Hardly reads as the ‘free thinker’ you’re so quick to congratulate yourself on being. I get the impression that you don’t have much experience in the world.


artisanrox t1_j9k6tqu wrote

In between coughing and having their tap water catch on fire, Red Ohioans are gonna be like "Look at this bully government go after mom n pop shops like Norfolk-Southern!!"


i_like_my_dog_more t1_j9l9l48 wrote

> What power does a PA governor have to enforce anything in Ohio?

That's from your post. Look at a map. This is a border town. It takes time to assess damage done across the border, downwind, etc. Likely requiring federal intervention. And thanks to the fucking moron in Ohio refusing to reach out to the feds, it took time to get involved.

Bothering to look at a fucking map should have revealed that it was a border town.

But do go on with your snarky bullshit. I bet it will serve you well in life.