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Western_Ad9334 t1_j9jitxl wrote

If he lie about that pettiness image what else he would lie about


billstrash t1_j9jl1t8 wrote

A rounding error in a campaign. Crazy they dedicated page real estate for this. Perhaps an agenda?


scamparama t1_j9jmvzg wrote

So, a republican lies with a straight face. This is news?


jppianoguy t1_j9jn4mh wrote

Seriously as much as I want to shit on any politician, I'm sure he had no idea about this donation. It's the amount of money that I'll bet the company gave to this guy and his opponent in the last election


winkytinkytoo t1_j9jpmq6 wrote

I am not surprised. Mastriano is a liar and horrible person in general.


Excelius t1_j9jqefz wrote

> That's not true, according to campaign finance records. Since 2019, Mastriano has in fact received $1,000 from Norfolk Southern's political action committee, the Good Government Fund, per filings with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. The last contribution, amounting to $500, came in 2020 when he was running for reelection to the state Senate.

Searching for the NS "Good Government Fund" finds this page on their website where they disclose their contributions:

Seems like they only allocate about a half million per year to these activities, but it's spread out over like 20 pages of candidates. Looks like $500 per cycle is a pretty common amount for them to allocate to state legislative candidates.


Excelius t1_j9jrry6 wrote

It's also worth noting that prior to his 2022 run for Governor he was kind of an unimportant fringe figure in the state GOP. Republican leadership in the state legislature hated him and stripped him of committee chairmanship after various public feuds, including over pushing too hard on the election fraud craziness.

He probably wasn't seen as important enough to influence, he was just another rank and file Republican who got the standard donation. Of course once Republican primary voters handed him the nomination in 2022, Republicans fell in line because that's what they always do.

Doesn't look like the NS fund posted their contributions for 2022 yet...


UnKnOwN769 t1_j9js51a wrote

To be fair, that’s a pretty immaterial amount in terms of the overall funding he received.


hypotenoos t1_j9js9e6 wrote

It’s right in Norfolk Southern’s own filings on their political activities webpage.


Spre3ad t1_j9jt1pw wrote

Yes, accepting $100,000 in political bribes is a great example of the amount of money thrown into politics like it’s nothing- the idea that these political bribes are so effective in dictating policy that spending 6+ figures in campaign donations is economically viable for companies. And yes, the idea that NS only offered him $1,000 and expected that to be enough of a political bribe to sway his policies means that Mastriano can be bought out for that cheap of an amount. Accepting any amount of money as a political bribe is bad- but if you’re going to do it, you’d think you would want more, or reject lower offers on principle alone. Taking 1k is the equivalent of agreeing to suck someone off in the walmart parking lot for a gallon of DEF & a pack of newports.

Maybe try the “hurr durr Reddit CriNgE! fuNnY! hE hE ho Ho!” meme with something else instead, because it doesn’t make any sense here.


KenMacMillan123 t1_j9juxfb wrote

A thousand is pretty much zero when it comes to government corruption


Kellyk3059 t1_j9jv6aq wrote

Shapiro gave him more in free ads during the republicans primaries but go off


signedpants t1_j9jv9gz wrote

Pretending that you would have to pay Mastriano to roll back regulations.


Mijbr090490 t1_j9jwzo6 wrote

Can we just stop talking about asstriano? Even the smoothies that still have trump signs up have taken down their Dougie signs.


APigNamedLucy t1_j9jxab0 wrote

Weird and surprisingly small amount of money to lie about.


Squashey t1_j9k4kr8 wrote

Warren Buffett owns Norfolk Southern, he is one of the biggest proponents of our reliance on railroads for transporting dangerous materials.


Chemical_Miracle_0 t1_j9k5v38 wrote

I don’t like the guy but honestly he probably didn’t know they made a $1,000 donation.


Hib3rnian t1_j9k97ak wrote

Doug got nothing, it all went to our lord and savior.


AlVic40117560_ t1_j9kc85n wrote

His quote was "I know my own finances. I didn't get any money from that train network."

And he received $1,000 from Norfolk Southern’s political action committee, the Good Government Fund.

There’s a very real chance that he didn’t lie and was just wrong. He may not have known that the Good Government Fund is associated with Norfolk Southern.

There are a million real things to criticize him for. He’s a giant piece of shit. I don’t necessarily think this is one of them.


SwissyVictory t1_j9kdfxo wrote

Political financing is weird.

Are you supposed to have someone on staff who goes through every penny and make sure to turn down any money that you may disagree with?

The issue comes when they are big enough that it affects your policies to try to keep them happy for next election.

We need a compete overhaul of the system, but taking 1k isn't a major issue.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_j9ke81v wrote

I'm not a fan of Doug Mastriano, but I could believe he didn't even know he received that $1k. That's not a lot.

Dude never held office in Ohio, or anywhere. It's weird this article is trying to put some blame on him for the derailment like they gave him one thousand bucks to go loosen some bolts or something.


ticktocktoe t1_j9kebfv wrote

> There are a million real things to criticize him for. He’s a giant piece of shit. I don’t necessarily think this is one of them.

Agree with this take - there are so many other low hanging fruits to call this guy out for - this one seems like its grasping at straws.


OhioJeeper t1_j9kegzx wrote

I'd argue it means this is another item on a list non-issue bullshit details that this subreddit is making a fucking mountain out of and that the manufacturered outrage does more harm than good.

I'm near the effected area of this derailment and the only helpful bit of information I've gotten so far has been from a republican congressman (Mike Kelly, shared info on free water/air testing for people in the area). At this point republicans have literally done more to help Pennsylvanians than the daily threads about the derailment and bipartisan bullshit that get posted here on the Pennsylvania subreddit.


SwissyVictory t1_j9keore wrote

That's the thing. The way the system SHOULD work is companies give what they can to candidates they agree with.

Candidates don't know or care where the money is coming from and their actions don't change.

If you're a company, you give your money to the politician(s) that would make running your company easier. Hopefully that helps them win.


PGHNeil t1_j9kiusg wrote

Unfortunately, ignorance of one's own actions is a major component of shamelessness. What needs to happen is that Norfolk Southern needs to be split up like Ma Bell was back in the day. As for Mastriano, losing the election so badly should have reduced some of his cred.


No-Setting9690 t1_j9kmwne wrote

The company has been criticized for lobbying against stricter regulation of the rail industry, including a rule proposed during the Obama administration — and rescinded by the Trump administration — that would have required trains carrying hazardous chemicals to be outfitted with more advanced brake technology, The Washington Post reported.

Sums it up right there.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j9ko1ms wrote

Once again it is the lying that is so disgusting and offensive. He should be in jail.


TacoNomad t1_j9kqbkk wrote

You seem to be more outraged than anyone I'm seeing here.

If the 'best help available is free air and water testing, that's pretty pathetic all around, don't you think? Nothing to be cheering for. This should not be a partisan recovery effort. The representatives in that area should all be responsible for helping residents in a meaningful manner and for ensuring that the railroads are held accountable. Furthermore, they should be working together to prevent these things from happening again, providing resources for remediation efforts and declaring necessary emergency protocol for immediate and long-term benefits of those affected.

We should not be cheering on mediocrity. If you think testing is sufficient response, you don't truly understand the problem.


TacoNomad t1_j9kreo2 wrote

>"Yeah, Paulette, I heard on one of the news stations last night that that rail network is heavy into donating to politicians," Mastriano replied during the February 16 stream. While Mastriano said he couldn't confirm that was the case, "I know my own finances. I didn't get any money from that train network."

Here's what they're posting out. He's blaming democrats and boldly proclaiming that the rail is donating to democrats. HE also claims to know where his money comes from.

It's OK if he didn't know and was put on the spot, but he wasn't. Nobody asked. So he didn't have to say anything.

Although, might mlbe smarter to look at your funding sources after speaking out.

He also joins the platform of deregulation, which is why this whole event happened.


AlVic40117560_ t1_j9ksdwh wrote

Sure. But again, weird thing to use as a “gotcha!” You could just look at what he campaigns on and quote it directly and it’ll be way better than this one. You can do this with literally anybody. Politician or not. To assume every single thing they a person is going to be correct is insane. People are wrong at times.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_j9kslhr wrote

Lol God he's so obnoxious. He's got an ego like Trump, but less successful so you're extra confused why he's so full of himself.

I still would believe he didn't know about that check, but:

>Although, might be smarter to look at your funding sources after speaking out.

Couldn't agree more. Dude is an idiot. Gladly voted against him, though I do tend to lean republican.


ChrissyLove13 t1_j9kut0t wrote

Say it ain't so!! Y'all let's dust off the pitchforks...a trip to Doug's house is in order. 🤡🤡🤡


OhioJeeper t1_j9kv6qd wrote

Not really outraged, just offering up an additional point of view, but considering I'm close enough to this issue that I have to get my well tested while the rest of the comments here are fixating on a $1,000 campaign contribution don't you think any outrage would be justified?

>If the 'best help available is free air and water testing, that's pretty pathetic all around, don't you think? Nothing to be cheering for.

Where did I say that I was cheering or that this was all that was being offered?

If you want NS to pay for damages, what do you think needs to be done first to ass the damage?

>The representatives in that area should all be responsible for helping residents in a meaningful manner and for ensuring that the railroads are held accountable.

They have been? I'd make a post about what Marla Gallo Brown and Mike Kelly have been doing but somehow I don't think it would be as well received as a post criticizing a state senator over a $1,000 donation.

>We should not be cheering on mediocrity.

Who's cheering? The world isn't black and white, I can disagree with your assessment of the situation based on my own experience while also not being satisfied with how things are being handled.

> If you think testing is sufficient response, you don't truly understand the problem.

If you don't think testing is a necessary response do you understand what's actually at stake here? This is literally the water we drink and cook with, don't be a twat and downplay it because ou(R) representatives get to take credit for it. Testing is also only the beginning, we won't know what the extent of the actual response is for years.


TacoNomad t1_j9kw5lc wrote

That's unnecessary overreacting.

People are focused on the 1k donation because that is the subject of this post. On the posts about train derailment, they aren't focused on the donation. There's a direct correlation between the post subject and responses. Why would you expect differently?

I never said said testing isn't a necessary resonse. Please read my comments as I write them.

>We should not be cheering on mediocrity. If you think testing is sufficient response

I Said It is insufficient.

Name-calling? Grow up. Don't reply if you are going to act like a toddler who lacks emotional regulation.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_j9kwsqs wrote

The Republicans have just no direction. But I'm also over the Democrats LGBTQ+ racket. I think we are fucking up a lot of kids with puberty blockers and I can't believe that people are okay with it. I'm progressive but I'm not that progressive.


STLLC2019 t1_j9kyjzm wrote

You would be very, very surprised at how cheap a politician is willing to sell your future and your children's future for.

Plus, we never get to see how much is donated in other ways to politicians for supporting corporate causes. What other way is there to explain how political figures frequently leave office millions of dollars richer than when they went in?

Bribery, graft, and corruption are rampant throughout the entire American political spectrum.


Diarygirl t1_j9l2ezq wrote

This is a post about a Republican so it proves my point. Not being able to take criticism of anyone in your party is a trait of conservatives. They still get angry when Trump is critical.


OhioJeeper t1_j9l3clm wrote

You don't think there's something wrong with an entire thread focusing on a $1,000 donation but radio silence about things that actually help people effected by the derailment? That doesn't make you question where this subreddit's priorities are?

>I Said It is insufficient.

Who said it was sufficient? You seem more concerned with being right than having an informed view of what is actually being done to help people in the area.

>Name-calling? Grow up. Don't reply if you are going to act like a toddler who lacks emotional regulation.

You're downplaying the free testing to someone that has a potentially compromised drinking water supply, you deserve to be called a lot worse. Don't reply if you're going to act like a toddler that lacks emotional understanding.


Diarygirl t1_j9l3w5g wrote

You know that's not true though. If Andrew Cuomo and Anthony Weiner were Republicans, they'd still be in office.

I don't think you've ever met a Democrat in real life if you think we're tribal like Republicans are, who are still stuck on trying to prove the 2020 election was stolen.


TacoNomad t1_j9l52r2 wrote

No. Why would there be something wrong with focusing on the title of a post. Want to talk about helping people affected by the derailment? Make a post about it! It's free, anyone can do it. Even you.

Don't gaslight and backtrack. I Said testing was insufficient. You suggested that I meant that testing was unnecessary. I merely corrected your statement, because you were derailing this conversation, I brought it back on track. If you agree it isn't sufficient, then stop trying to derail, road block and get off topic. I'm saying it is not enough. Period.

You keep talking about how much we should talk about what is being done.

OK here's your chance talk about it. Talk.

I'm not downplaying anything. And even if I was, which I'm not, that somehow justifies calling me a that? Lmfao. Control yourself.

If you agree with my Statement that it isn't enough, why are you arguing? Projection is quite obvious here.

Anyway, say something important here about what's being done to help, or argue back and call names because it's more about being RIGHT than being better.


AlVic40117560_ t1_j9l6rn0 wrote

I agree with all of that. What I’m saying is this little thing he said is something that could easily be something he was just wrong about isn’t necessarily lying. It’s very reasonable to think he didn’t know the PAC was at all associated with the railway. Knowing all of your campaign finances off the top your head is definitely a stretch, but it’s not really worth attacking a guy over. Especially when you’re talking about one of the worst politicians in recent memory. There are so many things to get this guy on. Why is this something to write an article about?


wagsman t1_j9l7van wrote

With it being $1,000, that's nothing to a state-wide politician. He probably didn't even know they gave it to him - especially if it was over more than one year and through a PAC.


That being said, he's still not telling the truth, which shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.


It_is_I_Satan t1_j9l8gd5 wrote

Just because it's a small amount doesn't justify the dude straight up lying about who he gets money from.


YonderMTN t1_j9l9jmj wrote

Why the fuck are we still talking about this dick-head?


OhioJeeper t1_j9lhgbb wrote

>No. Why would there be something wrong with focusing on the title of a post.

Because there's more to the story than the headlines but this conversation is starting to make a lot more sense if I'm having to explain that to you.

>Don't gaslight and backtrack. I Said testing was insufficient.

You said "If the 'best help available is free air and water testing, that's pretty pathetic all around, don't you think?" in response to me pointing out that the republican representative in the area has managed to be more helpful than a Pennsylvania specific message board. Not agreeing with you isn't gaslighting or "derailing" a conversation either.

>You suggested that I meant that testing was unnecessary.

In response to you suggesting that I said it was sufficient. "If you think testing is sufficient response, you don't truly understand the problem." was met with "If you don't think testing is a necessary response do you understand what's actually at stake here?".

>OK here's your chance talk about it. Talk.

What do you think I've been doing? Have you been "listening"? Just saying "it's not enough" and shitting on the things that have been done doesn't exactly add to the discussion.

>I'm not downplaying anything. And even if I was, which I'm not, that somehow justifies calling me a that? Lmfao. Control yourself.

Saying this then following it up with "anyway, say something important here about what's being done to help" is downplaying the testing that I mentioned previously by suggesting it isn't important. Literally the first step towards determining if there were damages and it's available to everyone in the area. It's also necessary to confirm to what extent the drinking water supply was impacted in the area.

But please let's stick to the important matters of a $1,000 donation, see you next time I need someone to remind me to stay on topic.


OhioJeeper t1_j9lo4cb wrote

Telling me to grow up while you tag me in every thread related to this topic (one of which is about water testing) because I disagreed with you isn't the meltdown I was expecting but not one I'm surprised by either.


TacoNomad t1_j9lqg7b wrote

You could say thank you.

It's not a melt down. You're infatuated with the idea that it's being ignored and not being discussed. I'm showing you appropriate places to discuss the topic. Or are you only interested in taking politics 🤔?

It's not a melt down. It was an effort to facilitate discussion. I like how you only know how to talk down to people you aren't actually open for a conversation.

When I'm unaware of something, I like to educate myself. I guess you like to throw tantrums and name call. Not surprising since you are focused on politics rather than actions.

You don't disagree with me. You just don't comprehend logic.


OhioJeeper t1_j9lv2kv wrote

>Or are you only interested in taking politics 🤔?

In case you forgot here's the comment of yours that I replied to:

>I don't think the second statement means he isn't corrupt. It just means it doesn't cost much to compromise his morals. It's worse to be able to be bought for less.

I'm sure you saying that one of our senators sold out his constituents over $1,000 is grounded in reality and not your own political biases.

>It's not a melt down. It was an effort to facilitate discussion. I like how you only know how to talk down to people you aren't actually open for a conversation.

Tagging someone in a dozen different threads because they called out your political dig isn't facilitating discussion.

>When I'm unaware of something, I like to educate myself. I guess you like to throw tantrums and name call. Not surprising since you are focused on politics rather than actions.

Sure you do. I mentioned free well and air testing and immediately you dismissed it as "insufficient", but please go on about how you'd rather focus on actions than politics.

>You don't disagree with me. You just don't comprehend logic.

I do disagree with you on multiple points you've made, saying I don't, telling me I need to grow up, accusing me of gaslighting, accusing me of projecting, and dismissing literally everything I say isn't going to change that, it just means I was justified in calling you a twat earlier because if you weren't being one then you certainly are now.

Me choosing not to try and follow your shitty binary logic isn't the same as not comprehending it. I grew out of being an idealist in my 20s.


guyandadog t1_j9m401c wrote

Funnily enough, you are assuming im a republican because i agree that both sides have shitty politicians. Would you like to prove my original statement right again with your next comment?

And you also just said "not being able to take criticism is a Republican trait" yet here you are, unable to take criticism


TacoNomad t1_j9m5gdv wrote

I Said that based on the topic of this post. And your respons was:

>republicans have literally done more to help Pennsylvanians than the daily threads about the derailment and bipartisan bullshit that get posted here on the Pennsylvania subreddit.

Cool, i understand you you favor a certain political party, cant relate because i think all politicians are fucking up.

Followed by

>don't be a twat and downplay it because ou(R) representatives get to take credit for it.

Still don't understand the infatuation with Republicans, but ok. Followed by

>you deserve to be called a lot worse. OK.

So eloquent, you are. And

>donation but radio silence about things that actually help people effected by the derailment

Hence the links, not exactly radio silence is it?

Followed by

>Because there's more to the story than the headlines

No shit, thats why I posted the links.

The only thing you've managed to say in all those words is, republicans are better than democrats, even if their efforts are insufficient we should praise them, ignore any otherconversations aboutthe issue, refuse to acknowledge that, oh and throw insults.

How many quotes and repeating yourself does it take to say the sme thing over and over?

If the message you're trying to send isn't that republicans are better than democrats because they're offering water testing, then I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to say here. Because that's the theme. And sorry, but no, you're not going to convince this twat that politicians have our best interests in mind.


OhioJeeper t1_j9m9f5z wrote

>Cool, i understand you you favor a certain political party,

No, you think you understand. The only republican I voted for in the last election was Marla Gallo Brown and that was more because the incumbent democrat had been in office for close to 30 yrs. I said republicans have done more because the representatives in the area are republicans.


fallser t1_j9meeo2 wrote

Doug Naziano is a lying sack of shit.


Indiana_Jawnz t1_j9mg4as wrote

That rule would have only applied to Ethanol and Crude oil trains, so it wouldn't have applied to this train.

It also wouldn't have mattered because the train derailed because a wheel axle hotboxed and failed, it didn't have anything to do with braking.

Electronic Pneumatic braking also has its own problems and issues with little advantage on braking using front and rear locomotives.


DoctorSteve t1_j9mjdpn wrote

You know you didn't quote that correctly, right?

Democrats never say "it's all politicians". Because this line is only used by Republicans to deflect criticism of their candidates. It's justification for voting for a candidate you KNOW is awful. You know your candidates suck. But you still vote for them.


guyandadog t1_j9mvh9y wrote

Yeah "in your party" are the only words i forgot to include and it doesnt change the meaning at all here, but good attempt.

And it's not only used by republicans lol. What a generalized, bald faced lie that is lol. Source: i have ears and eyes


guyandadog t1_j9mwimm wrote

Lol no, it doesn't. You know exactly what i meant just as anyone else who speaks english did. I left it off because i use Reddit on my phone and dont have previous comments looking me in the face while i reply.

You had no argument that could refute anything i said, so you latched onto that as your only chance to grasp at a straw. Now it's your only argument, and is also nonsense.

So, if you have no point to make, and refuse to listen to any point that opposes your own thoughts...then i dont see much point in continuing the baseless "im right and you're wrong" conversation


DoctorSteve t1_j9myzjb wrote

Lol, refute what you said? You've said nothing. You aren't making some giant debate. You're going "all politicians are bad" on a post about a bad Republican politician. Everyone knows what you're doing. And just like your idols, you're lying right here.


guyandadog t1_j9mzaul wrote

Thank you for assuming im a republican and proving my initial statement true. Im not a republican, im just also not a hypocrite.

Enjoy convincing yourself you were right for the next 10 minutes before moving onto another reddit post to argue on. Have a good day and remove the crust from your eyelids so you can open them


DoctorSteve t1_j9n112j wrote

Nothing is more Republican than refusing to state you're Republican. Do you know how many ads I've seen where Republican candidates won't define themselves as such? Or their political signs, which are often blue.

But Democrats? They don't have this problem.

But sure, you're "not a Republican". Doesn't change anything.


guyandadog t1_j9n1jfj wrote

Lol okay buddy, if youre going to say "nuh uh ur a liar" to everyone who disagrees with you, why bother arguing about anything hahahaha. Go have a cup of tea and get over yourself. Christ.

(By the way, by your own're a republican ;)


guyandadog t1_j9n2m6l wrote

Says who? You? Republicans are liars, and by your own criteria, you are a Republican since you said you aren't a Republican. So i don't believe you when you say you haven't lied. Since you're a Republican, and Republicans lie.

See how silly your own words sound?


guyandadog t1_j9n4juk wrote

You never asked actually, i agree more with libertarians on financial matters and democrats on social matters.

go ahead, state the point where i 'danced around it'. Ill wait ill be up another few hours


DoctorSteve t1_j9n4wmy wrote


"I'm not a Republican, I'm a Libertarian"

I'm not actually surprised I knew this was the answer. I didn't want to put you on blast because then you wouldn't have stated it.

You cannot "agree with Democrats on Social Matters" if you agree with Libertarians on Financial Matters. If you understood politics, you'd understand why.


guyandadog t1_j9n58rr wrote

A. You're going to incorrectly assume something, then pretend you knew the answer while also saying you don't believe the answer? "I just lied about what i thought you'd say so you'd say what i REALLY thought you'd say" -you Man, if someone got lost in your head they'd never find their way out of that corn maze

B. Are you going to point out where i "danced around it"? Or are you just going around that fact?

(You can see i separated my two statements so that you cant "accidentally" not respond to the part you don't like)


DoctorSteve t1_j9n5n77 wrote

I've spoken to many Republicans who go "I'm not a Republican I'm a Libertarian". You're a walking cliche.

EDIT: Wow, someone blocks you if you don't reply in enough time. That's a Republican if I ever saw one.


guyandadog t1_j9n5rud wrote

Wow. I made it so easy for you to respond to both of the things i said, and you still couldn't respond to either one.

Ill give you another chance. They're marked A and B. Go ahead, respond

edit: guess you arent going to after all, goodnight fella. You should do things in your free time that make you happy instead of angry


CountryGuy123 t1_j9ndp7y wrote

Dammit, you’re gonna make me defend him?

$1,000 (a minuscule value with campaigns) from a PAC… It’s very easy to see how someone on his staff could have made a mistake and told him what he stated.

Should they have known? Sure. But this isn’t in and of itself some huge gotcha.


Dumpster_slut69 t1_j9nekb9 wrote

It's such a small money to grift and lie about. Him and Donnie are poor in character and life.


Indiana_Jawnz t1_j9olhp5 wrote

The railroads need to hire more manpower so cars can be inspected better.

They have cut manpower to the bone and overwork who they have now while pushing train sizes to their absolute maximum lengths and weight.

The crews used to get five minutes to inspect each car in their train, now that's down to one. So you have this wheel bearing being missed, overheating (hotboxing) and failing.