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ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_jaghrhu wrote

It’s lede, for what it’s worth. It’s insane to me that they got rid of the club because a jackass in North Carolina called in a threat. Something tells me they wouldn’t do the same if someone threatened the Christian club (not advocating for that).


defusted t1_jah9kfy wrote

The only reason they kept it in the first place was because legally they had to. They were always going to can it the moment they had a viable reason.


BeatsMeByDre t1_jajdv9n wrote

What's the viable reason? All I see is a man threatening to kill kids.


defusted t1_jajhmuk wrote

After that idiot did that the school said it was too disruptive to continue.


BeatsMeByDre t1_jajligh wrote

Sounds like the idiot was too disruptive. Why would anyone let that logic slide?


defusted t1_jajm663 wrote

Because the school didn't want it in the first place but they couldn't legally turn it down. This also happened in Florida, a school district wanted to let Christians give literature to kids. Legally, if they were opening up the school to Christians they had to open it to all religions. They stopped the whole thing when a Muslim group and the satanic temple started showing up. The satanic temple made a coloring/activity book to hand out.


BeatsMeByDre t1_jajp4t7 wrote

Ohhh wait so BOTH groups got shut down? Carry on


defusted t1_jajquqe wrote

I think you're missing the point. They only wanted Christians to be allowed access to the kids but legally couldn't say that. So when the other groups came in because they were legally allowed to the school shut the whole thing down. Just like in this instance, the school couldn't legally tell the group no, so the moment they could make a half assed excuse they shut it down.


BeatsMeByDre t1_jakpx7j wrote

So now Christians also cannot hand out literature or have their group at the school?

If so, I did indeed get the point.


WCAIS_PA_Individual t1_jagm9gi wrote

Damn it. I wanted to call one in on the drama club


ThePopeJones t1_jaguhhr wrote

Now there's the true scourge to democracy! All those drama nerds milling about, being so dramatic.....