Submitted by Wuz314159 t3_11ew5i2 in Pennsylvania
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_jaghrhu wrote
It’s lede, for what it’s worth. It’s insane to me that they got rid of the club because a jackass in North Carolina called in a threat. Something tells me they wouldn’t do the same if someone threatened the Christian club (not advocating for that).
WCAIS_PA_Individual t1_jagm9gi wrote
Damn it. I wanted to call one in on the drama club
ThePopeJones t1_jaguhhr wrote
Now there's the true scourge to democracy! All those drama nerds milling about, being so dramatic.....
NineFootEightWeight t1_jagwx1z wrote
All hail Satan.
spatuladracula t1_jah74ui wrote
Has...has anyone asked the kids what they want? All I see are boomers and Christians/catholics clutching their pearls. Do the kids have an interest for this program? If they do, let them have it!
chaqalaqalaqa t1_jah7ftf wrote
Is it though? Idk, I’ve always thought WFMZ is pretty neutral
Wuz314159 OP t1_jah7yth wrote
The owner really is. He delivers weekly diatribes spouting off Fox News talking points.
There's a distinct difference between the "News" & "Noticias en español" broadcasts. One is free from meddling.
raresanevoice t1_jah8anv wrote
Why do the right wing cancel culture conservatives hate freedom of religion so much.
Wicked_Vorlon t1_jah900b wrote
Right wing cancel culture.
defusted t1_jah9a5k wrote
Christians and boomers don't actually care what kids want.
Jeffd187 t1_jah9bop wrote
The district was damned if they did, damned if they didn’t.
If they denied the club, they would have had so much pressure raining down on them from all around the country and sued by different organizations.
They let it happened, and suffered the consequences.
In the end, both sides got a “win.” The club made its point and the district could say, “Look at the threats….”
In the end…it was a hot news story that just brings to light the differences we have here in the country of the USA.
Wuz314159 OP t1_jah9i57 wrote
The lawsuits haven't even begun.
defusted t1_jah9kfy wrote
The only reason they kept it in the first place was because legally they had to. They were always going to can it the moment they had a viable reason.
CVideoDesigns t1_jahbw7i wrote
I sincerely hope they do
HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahbweq wrote
Do you know who would murder a bunch of kids?
Satan would.
EDIT: I was pointing out the irony here of someone complaining about a Satan club by threatening to kill a bunch of kids. If I had to choose between members of a Satan club minding their own business or a Christian threatening to murder kids I’m picking the Satan club every time.
Edit 2: Allow me to explain the Christian hypocrisy further as there seems to be some confusion. The person who called in this threat is acting more like the Satan they believe exists than their savior.
These Christians act more like their version of Satan than anything the Satan Club is doing, which is absolutely nothing but minding their own business.
bdschuler t1_jahcuje wrote
Clearly the mistake was made at the start. The idiot Superintendent should have just cancelled all the religious clubs. But by being an idiot and not, she will cost the taxpayers in this district millions now in lawsuits, will most likely lose her job, and will have trouble finding a new one. Make no mistake, they will lose in court and it will be very costly and this will be a black mark on her record.
How she made this mistake is beyond me. Any simple Google search would have told her the correct answer and why NOT to go the route she did. But she took a stance and that stance is going to cost her dearly I am afraid.
All that is left now is to watch it play out in court and see how much taxpayers are going to be on the hook for and how long she lasts before she is let go.
CoalCrackerKid t1_jahd75z wrote
I can't tell if you're getting downvoted because folks aren't familiar with Dick Dean's gasping rants or because folks who support him are very familiar.
Wuz314159 OP t1_jahd9r7 wrote
Christians said that they would. They made the threats that closed the school.
Dan42004988 t1_jahdayn wrote
South Park already did it
CoalCrackerKid t1_jahdf7v wrote
I see your mistake. See, you're proposing a free marketplace of ideas where, if no one chooses to attend the after school club, it'll close and no longer be a thing.
Conservatives don't actually want opposing views to be heard.
[deleted] t1_jahdk5n wrote
Read the tenets of the church of Satan, sounds a lot more Christ-like than the 10 commandments.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahe2tw wrote
I know. I was pointing out that irony of which of those two groups was threatening to murder a bunch of kids who are minding their own business.
Pink_Slyvie t1_jahees0 wrote
We didn't get a win. The Child Evangelism Fellowship club is still active, indoctrinating and grooming children.
scamparama t1_jaheqk8 wrote
They hate other’s freedom from religion, especially their religion.
Peaceoorwar t1_jahgdtw wrote
I thought the church of Satan was not a religion.
choppinbrocholi t1_jahgmla wrote
This proposed group did not come from students but an outside group pushing their group in. They’ve been trying this in multiple schools in eastern PA.
I would be all for it had it been organically organized by students. Schools do allow most groups organized by students especially if they self fund.
Very little of the origins of this have been put forward.
If gardeners of America want to start a group in this school they should not be allowed either without a student/s proposal.
Wicked_Vorlon t1_jahhk4i wrote
They only want their religion to be allowed.
Reynolds_Live t1_jahhq77 wrote
Christians: We need Religious freedom in our schools!!!
Satanists: We agree!
Christians: Uh, on second thought...
CaptainCoffeeStain t1_jahi87q wrote
Boomers are like 60 and up. The picture in the article looks a lot younger than that fwiw.
MoreOfAGrower t1_jahih1r wrote
God has killed soooooooo many more kids than Satan has, so you don’t know what you’re talking about
cliffliam t1_jahj0tu wrote
Because it’s not their religion
HahaWeee t1_jahk0a6 wrote
Nothing helps sell ones religion like death threats!
Good job Christians
HahaWeee t1_jahk489 wrote
>Do you know who would murder a bunch of kids?
>Satan would
Satan kills like what 10 people in the Bible? God's body count is in the millions
HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahkci3 wrote
Did you even read my post? You see that big edit? Or did you stop reading before I explained it?
[deleted] t1_jahkhet wrote
[deleted] t1_jahl0mv wrote
HahaWeee t1_jahl6d1 wrote
Honestly, the difference in this country is one side wants to let everyone live as they want to and the other side wants only their way to be allowed
I'm honestly not sure how to rectify that especially since some on the latter side are willing to threaten and probably follow up with violence. Easy enough to justify hurting/killing people if you think God tells you to
HahaWeee t1_jahlorc wrote
Should've just sent death threats from.a few states over!
Please note.i am making a sarcastic quip not actually advocating for anyone to send death threats that is no ok at any point. Dont do it
HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahlwux wrote
I understand that. But that’s not the Satan these Christian believe exists in our world. These people threatening to kill kids who are in this club are more like their distorted version of Satan than their version of Jesus Christ. If anything the person who threatened these kids is akin to their Satan here and they are too stupid to realize it.
ackmon t1_jahnerc wrote
LOL! Let's not stereotype so much, please. I'm a boomer and think it's a great idea. And the idiots opposing it and threatening it probably think they are "good Christians" (whatever that is)
sockbref t1_jahns7p wrote
“I was supposed to attend a big black mass devil worship session last weekend, but I skipped it because I believe you can be just as close to Satan on a golf course as in a stuffy old satanic church!” - Norm MacDonald
Friendly_Kangaroo871 t1_jahowkj wrote
Start a knitting club and call it Lucifer Club. It’ll draw out more enemies of a free society so we can arrest them and put them in prison.
VidKiddo t1_jahpbzt wrote
saucon deez nuts
reallybiglizard t1_jahplxt wrote
I think the tenets of The Satanic Temple may be what you’re referring to. The Church of Satan has the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth, which have a markedly different tone.
[deleted] t1_jahpqu0 wrote
Yes, you’re right, thank you.
[deleted] t1_jahq309 wrote
Friendly_Kangaroo871 t1_jahq39q wrote
The golden rule doesn’t need a religion to make it work, but it is essential to have that kind of thinking and behavior to have a functional democratic society .
Zenith2017 t1_jahq4b9 wrote
Educate the masses until they're not dumb enough to believe in a magic deity that's gonna justify all the hateful shit they do
drunkmonkey176 t1_jahq8wk wrote
Jesus: "You love them, like I loved you. Make sure you take care of them and don't judge them."
Y'all Qaeda Trash: "But wat if der gay and wurship otter gods?"
Jesus: "Did I fucking stutter?"
Plane_Vanilla_3879 t1_jahruz0 wrote
According to the The Nine Satanic Sins, liberals may have a problem.
Stupidity The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.
Herd Conformity That’s obvious from a Satanic stance. It’s all right to conform to a person’s wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the many.
spatuladracula t1_jahsnov wrote
Was the evangelical after school program that takes place in the school wanted by the kids, or pushed onto them by outside adults?
gderti t1_jahuxr2 wrote
Either every group can use the school of none can. Cancel the christofacists meeting nights as well.
dls2016 t1_jahw9am wrote
There are hundreds of programs that various organizations provide to students without organic student demand. I can think of Junior Achievement off the top of my head, as I see some magnets on the fridge my children brought home from school.
Your idea would be a huge departure from the norm.
davereit t1_jahy5jc wrote
Thanks to PA (my home state) for the extradition of this GQP lunatic from NC (where we live now). We have enough of them shooting up our power stations around here.
RenaissanceMan247 t1_jai049n wrote
SCOTUS should chime in. The entire country side would be in a tizzy once satanism was upheld, or they remove all religious activities from education federally.
awuweiday t1_jai0ceo wrote
Christians love to chirp about how aggressive and violent the Muslim religion can be and will then go ahead and threaten to literally murder kids for making a club about their imaginary antagonist.
Cult shit.
Tyswid t1_jai0zdz wrote
Saucon Deez nuts
Redlar t1_jai142a wrote
>Let's not stereotype so much, please. I'm a boomer and think it's a great idea
For what it's worth, the youngins say "boomer" refers not just to someone from the Boomer generation, it's used to refer to people that behave like the worst attributes of Boomers, it can also be used by people that don't care about the meaning, they just want to annoy others. It's also used to be dismissive, ex: "okay boomer" could be a response to someone overly explaining something (yes, I do get the irony of my comment)
It's funny being GenX, mostly ignored but now I get to look at the older and younger generations and see that they are using the same words but the definitions have been added to or changed and it doesn't seem anyone's been notified (the word "liberal" being another one)
Redlar t1_jai25be wrote
>wurship otter gods?"
We just skipping straight to bestiality, huh?
Atrocious_1 t1_jai3xlj wrote
Unless it's "we're prosecuting the terrorist making threats" I don't want to hear it
Atrocious_1 t1_jai490s wrote
That's your first mistake. Conservatives, especially the religious kind, see kids as property rather than people capable of making choices
alicesartandmore t1_jai4sxj wrote
Enforced you mean.
rubikscanopener t1_jai9jin wrote
They are. Their news focusses primarily on local stories and their presentation of national news is fairly well balanced.
Important_Egg_6748 t1_jaia4py wrote
Jeffd187 t1_jaib1og wrote
I know! And I’m getting the down votes…
buzznbeez t1_jaij3zc wrote
One preaches love, one preaches evil. Have you lost your mind?
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_jaij7qt wrote
Obviously the Satan Club is not the danger - it again is the kookoo with guns.
TheDude_2888 t1_jaijmts wrote
Don't like it? Send your kids to a christian school
[deleted] t1_jaikvvt wrote
buzznbeez t1_jaildec wrote
I think a better perspective would be that humans can be pretty awful, regardless of religion. There are always bad apples, but that doesn't mean the whole tree is rotten. True believers who follow Jesus will be preaching and living a life of love, period.
ElusiveWhark t1_jainsta wrote
After School Satan has nothing to do with CoS, it's a program by the Satanic Temple
[deleted] t1_jaiq3bz wrote
Reynolds_Live t1_jaiqidl wrote
That’s hilarious!
Peaceoorwar t1_jaiql9b wrote
Ohh ok I understand
steelceasar t1_jaiqq8l wrote
The Satanic Temple is different than the church of Satan, which is where you are getting the list of sins, i think. Also, basically, everything you wrote is nonsense. You write like someone who wants to sound smart but doesn't actually know what they are talking about.
chainmailbill t1_jair0o6 wrote
“If you don’t believe in my god you will suffer and burn in a lake of fire for all eternity” isn’t exactly a warm-and-fuzzy good thing, is it?
Reynolds_Live t1_jair86u wrote
You do realize that “religious freedom” is used to hide rules that favor Christianity over other religions right?
The satanist thing is like the Satantic Church. It’s not a literal church but rather an organization that’s defined as a legal church in order to uphold separation of church and state and keep one religion from holding authority over others.
That was why the group created the Satan club.
Reynolds_Live t1_jairm72 wrote
looks at the last 2,000 years of Christian oppression
Whatever you say bud. 👌
[deleted] t1_jais5hg wrote
banhammerrr t1_jaiwvhe wrote
A core principle of Christianity is that they are the ONLY correct faith (read, religion) so they naturally try to stomp out everything that isn’t Christian. Add the fact that the right has lost its fucking mind and you get this.
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jaj9duv wrote
Then they weren't Christians. They may be church goers but don't follow the teachings of Christ.
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jaj9vvx wrote
Your job and responsibilities as a parent are to teach the children not ask what they want. When they become an adult then they will be old enough to decide what path they want to take.
ackmon t1_jaj9wrs wrote
Ok. I suppose it means many things to different people. In the comment that prompted my response I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to be so nuanced.
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jaja73s wrote
58 and up. Unless you break the boomers into two groups, the boomers and the Joness. Since the late boomers grew up in an entirely different set of circumstances than the early boomers did.
[deleted] t1_jajb666 wrote
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jajbbm6 wrote
I bet you have
[deleted] t1_jajcx6q wrote
BeatsMeByDre t1_jajdmwo wrote
No see, you're one of the good ones!😂
BeatsMeByDre t1_jajdv9n wrote
What's the viable reason? All I see is a man threatening to kill kids.
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jajfdpd wrote
They may not have been in your presence at the time. It doesn't mean you haven't met any.
[deleted] t1_jajhiet wrote
defusted t1_jajhmuk wrote
After that idiot did that the school said it was too disruptive to continue.
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jajicco wrote
See, there's your mistake. You are looking for an organization and not an individual. You said you haven't met any Christians, then you look for an organization.
[deleted] t1_jajj8rm wrote
BeatsMeByDre t1_jajligh wrote
Sounds like the idiot was too disruptive. Why would anyone let that logic slide?
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jajm1vu wrote
I didn't get offended. You said you've never met a Christian that follows the teachings of Christ and I said I bet you have.
[deleted] t1_jajm52o wrote
I agree with you, and boy howdy do I hope you apply that mindset to the many other hot-button issues that are in the cultural zeitgeist these days.
defusted t1_jajm663 wrote
Because the school didn't want it in the first place but they couldn't legally turn it down. This also happened in Florida, a school district wanted to let Christians give literature to kids. Legally, if they were opening up the school to Christians they had to open it to all religions. They stopped the whole thing when a Muslim group and the satanic temple started showing up. The satanic temple made a coloring/activity book to hand out.
[deleted] t1_jajmxq8 wrote
I think they are insinuating the usual talking points we’ve seen from more conservative and outspoken folks over the last few years. And as usual, this poster doesn’t seem to grasp the irony. I may be wrong, but they strike me as a “Fox News isn’t media” kind of person.
[deleted] t1_jajn2f8 wrote
BeatsMeByDre t1_jajp4t7 wrote
Ohhh wait so BOTH groups got shut down? Carry on
defusted t1_jajquqe wrote
I think you're missing the point. They only wanted Christians to be allowed access to the kids but legally couldn't say that. So when the other groups came in because they were legally allowed to the school shut the whole thing down. Just like in this instance, the school couldn't legally tell the group no, so the moment they could make a half assed excuse they shut it down.
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jajrejo wrote
I like to think I do but I'm human and make mistakes.
[deleted] t1_jajx962 wrote
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jajxowj wrote
Not sure how I jumped on you but whatever.
Its not my place to condemn others. She's not a Christian if she's calling others evil, she's just not a nice person insulting someone she doesn't know. She doesn't know what's in their heart.
But we weren't talking about her. We were talking about if you've ever met a Christian or not.
You see, you got me to pass judgment against that woman, I have no right in doing so. Being a Christian is not an easy path but worth it.
AmpersandJovial t1_jak27ua wrote
"No True Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their universal generalization from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly."
Person A: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge."
Person A: "But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
[deleted] t1_jak5e68 wrote
Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_jak6p47 wrote
Whine? No.
Have I stopped people from abuse in real life from abuse. I have and even at the risk of my own life. We are just having a discussion on an open forum.
[deleted] t1_jakgw7v wrote
Cheezitflow t1_jakk0n8 wrote
Okay boom... Oh, you pointed it out
Grand_Arbiter_85 t1_jakoa1b wrote
So I guess any crazy asshole in any part of the country now has veto power over anything they don't like in any other part of the country if they threaten violence. Nice message to send to the kids.
BeatsMeByDre t1_jakpx7j wrote
So now Christians also cannot hand out literature or have their group at the school?
If so, I did indeed get the point.
[deleted] t1_jakx83y wrote
ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_jal3927 wrote
ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_jal3arh wrote
I'm a Christian and I feel in no way like that nor act in any way like that.
banhammerrr t1_jam02i3 wrote
Unfortunately , a huge proportion of your religion does. See all of history as an example. You can also see the last 6 years in the US as a great example. It’s pretty hard to defend right wing Christians right now so you might not want to go down that path.
Blexcr0id t1_jam0kct wrote
“I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”
ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_jam89m3 wrote
>Unfortunately , a huge proportion of your religion does.
You 1. Do not know that at all and 2. You have no way of quantifying that. You're only taking in to account the loud ones you hear (who we ALL can't stand) that fit your bias against either religion as a whole or Christianity in specific. Please don't try to argue otherwise, and please spare me your "unfortunately" 's
banhammerrr t1_jamguan wrote
I do know that and history has shown it for thousands of years… this isn’t a debatable topic. The Christian church has historically stomped out other religions / cultures and continues to do so. I’m sorry that your feelings are hurt by that but your religion literally enslaved and murdered the native people of north and South America just to colonize the region. The crusades saw millions killed in the name of your religion, Christian/Islamic wars have done the same, I can go on for literally the entire history of the religion.
So spare me your fake offense and at least realize the history of the faith you follow. If you want to talk about “modern times” and the “loud ones”. Where have all the “quiet ones” been to reign in the mainstream Christian right? You may not like it, but they are the same group as you. You may not act like them but to the rest of us living in reality, not believing in magic, you’re one of the same.
Zenith2017 t1_jamtcow wrote
Have you ever heard of the crusades?
Zenith2017 t1_jamtkc8 wrote
And women!
And non whites!
[deleted] t1_janf9c8 wrote
banhammerrr t1_jannpt0 wrote
The sad thing about the guy who commented is that they’ll take this as “persecution” and double down on their delusions. It’s in win in their book because to them, we’re just lost souls who are floating through life, destined to burn for all of eternity and us pointing out things they disagree with, is proof to them that they’re doing gods work.
The really sad thing is how they don’t understand basic history and refuse to acknowledge reality. It’s impossible arguing facts with a Christian in the same way that you can’t argue facts with an idiot. They don’t understand fact from fiction and would rather live in a fantasy than work with actual truth.
ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_japtze7 wrote
Such a stupid comment and has nothing to do with what I said at all. Honestly though; not surprised.
ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_japu4uo wrote
>Yes, we do know that.
Sure when you use weasel wording like "huge proportion" which is subjective and not quantifiable.
But I guess you weren't expecting a filthy dirty backwards racist bigot Christian to be intellectual so I forgive you for trying to cop out the easy way.
[deleted] t1_jaq52x7 wrote
Zenith2017 t1_jar4197 wrote
The crusades have nothing to do with forcing Christianity as the only religion?
Uh, okay then! See you around
Wuz314159 OP t1_jagefe9 wrote
because WFMZ is a right-wing shit-hole and buries the lead......
>"A male-sounding voice on the message indicated displeasure with the school for allowing the After School Satan Club to use the school facilities and then said something to the effect of 'I'm going to come in there and shoot everybody,'" Northampton County District Attorney Terence Houck said.
>Houck said 20-year-old Ceu Uk is now sitting in jail in North Carolina charged with terroristic threats. He said the Charlotte, North Carolina man saw a Facebook post about the recently-approved club before leaving the threatening voicemail.