Submitted by lalalewhatever t3_11g4w9y in Pennsylvania

Does anyone have any insight on OA scores and interviews? I've applied for the same position twice. Both times, I've scored at 100 (I held an identical position out of state). The first time, 2 years ago, they sent me a message saying they're hired someone else 5 months after I applied. What kind of scores are they looking for to interview someone? I applied to the same position 3 weeks ago, and received my score of 100 again. I haven't been contacted for an interview yet, and am curious what scores others had and what their timeframe was for an interview. Thanks!



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Jiveturkwy158 t1_jamqver wrote

I scored 107, you’ll have to wait until the posting closes before being contacted. And by law if someone is a vet and applies they get to apply and if at all possible must be given the job. This can cause excessive wait times before getting around to qualified candidates.

I believe the hiring process took a few months for me. But memory is hazy as I interviewed for more than one position.


Gritty76 t1_jams9wn wrote

Unless you’re a veteran, you’re screwed.


These-Cup-8181 t1_jamseo8 wrote

You are correct about the vet thing. It also adds 20 points I think to their score when it comes to picking people to interview.

It can take several months for the whole process to go through. For the current position I'm in with the state, I applied in September and didn't get hired/start until January.


zerobot t1_jamyuss wrote

How did you score 107/100? I’m asking because I applied for four jobs at the Commonwealth and scored 100/100 on every single one and never even sniffed an interview. The only way to score above a hundred that I know of is to be a veteran, which I find to be absurd.


zerobot t1_jamz02g wrote

Dude I’ve scored 100/100 on every Commonwealth application I’ve submitted (four of them) and have never sniffed an interview. I couldn’t even get an interview with the help of a director after scoring 100/100.


zerobot t1_jamz9xb wrote

Yup. And when they hired a veteran for a position I applied for (I scored 100/100 and didn’t get an interview) the veteran didn’t even last through the six month probationary period. I had also done the job I was applying for as a contractor for the Commonwealth for 13 years. It’s absurd.


Critical_Band5649 t1_jan6flt wrote

The only time I've ever gotten an interview for a state job, my score was 71. However, they told me at the end of the interview they could only hire someone from the top 3 scores and I was 4th.


Jiveturkwy158 t1_janvpdz wrote

It didn’t say it was out of 100 (could be?) it also was a position that required an exam (full on exam, not a form) at the time and I had a professional certification. So it may have been a weird way of including the test score into the overall score.


cshazan t1_jaoyqfk wrote

I applied for a career advisor position in November and scored 100. Mid February I received an email that they are not able to fill the position. Two weeks later, I see the exact same position posted again.


Blexcr0id t1_jaqo8lp wrote

Truth. It's frustrating to have a great candidate(s) that get blocked. Nothing against veterans or active military because my agency has had excellent staff that were/are in the military...but we have also had candidates that check almost all our "they can do this difficult job" boxes that get blocked.


salemvillewitch t1_jaqwovu wrote

They can also decide to only interview internal applicants. I work for the Commonwealth and recently changed jobs. When they posted my old position, they had less then 10 internal applicants and over 70 external applicants with a score of 100. They decided to only interview the internal applicants. If you really want a job with the State, you may have to take any job you qualify for to get your foot in the door and then apply for higher level positions. A lot of people start off as Clerical Assistants.


EngineeringOne7034 t1_jd9eiea wrote

Thanks for posting this. It’s been very frustrating scoring 100s as well and not even getting an interview. I’ve been doing the same position for years in the contractor sector and all I’m trying to do is get a stable job with benefits.