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Wuz314159 t1_jdy14m6 wrote

lol Fox News.

How many days has McConnell missed due to his "fractured rib"?


Flimsy-Lie-1471 t1_jdy1cb3 wrote

So you use a source that calls its viewer’s “terrorist cousin fuckers” and you expect normal people to take you seriously? Clearly you hate America.


candmjjjc t1_jdy5mo6 wrote

The majority of Fetterman's constituents, myself included want him to get healthy and fully support him. Fuck off Fox!


oldschoolskater t1_jdyqm64 wrote

In all seriousness can we skip by the he's better than any Republican no matter what condition he's in. He won the election, he is the senator.

He's been in a mental health facility for 6 weeks now, which is way beyond average for depression, it's obvious there's something more serious going on.

Once he's released what are your expectations of him as a senator? Should he be held to the same standards requiring him to carry the same workload as other senators? Do you expect him to be able to critically evaluate legislation and vote on it? Or will you be satisfied if he just votes party line?


gdex86 t1_jdzj180 wrote

>Or will you be satisfied if he just votes party line?


For the concern trolling Republicans do in the guise of "I'm just asking questions" I don't care if Fetterman shows up in the black box from Star Trek and communicates only in beeps as long as he votes against the conservative agenda.

Every beep that is against anti trans and queer legislation is a victory. Every beep that puts a non heritage society stooge on the bench for a life time apointment is ecstacy. Hell if John Roberts and Clarence Thomas discovers their sense of decency and decide to give up the law and retire to raise alpacas in Montana and Fetterman gets to beep in two supreme court justices I probably will have an orgasm.

I've seen the absolutely repulsive options the Republicans would run for this seat and I'd take Fetterman in any condition over that.


PaApprazer t1_jdzxun0 wrote

> Once he’s released what are your expectations of him as a senator? Should he be held to the same standards requiring him to carry the same workload as other senators? Do you expect him to be able to critically evaluate legislation and vote on it? Or will you be satisfied if he just votes party line?

Oh, I thought you were more concerned about Fetterman’s production as a senator. My bad drawing a parallel to the frequent absence of his predecessor


8Draw t1_je04gyu wrote

>I don't know nor care about Toomey.

If you were better informed about Toomey and the seat, maybe you'd understand the stakes and why everyone's content to wait for Fetterman to recover.


mattcrwi t1_je0v861 wrote

Legally speaking, you can't take fox news seriously. Just ask the judge in Tucker's defamation case.


stevez_86 t1_je0x537 wrote

Yeah there is something more serious going on than typical depression, it is depression caused by a stroke. While he is able to function as a normal person there are physical effects of that that changes who you are and what you can do. That's a big fucking change. Also the damage from a stroke may directly be the cause for depression. All of which he is seeking and obtaining treatment for. Which is something that if your insurance covers it should be considered normal. And it can happen to anybody. This man happens to be a senator. That doesn't mean he shouldn't seek treatment for either a condition exacerbated by a stroke or directly caused by a stroke.


oldschoolskater t1_je0yawy wrote

Not at all. Those times on that chart are what it takes to diagnose the problem and figure out the best medication. In my experience most people don't get over depression they learn coping strategies along with medication. Just like a physical injury you're sent home to heal.


oldschoolskater t1_je0z583 wrote

Absolutely, your health should always come first. From what I've read and from my grandmother's stroke it seems usually by the time you hit the one year mark you are recovered about as much as will happen with very minor improvements after that.


drunkmonkey176 t1_je5e72v wrote

I'd be depressed too if I had to work with a pile of domestic terrorist trash everyday.


basement-thug t1_je8e4e6 wrote

He had a fucking stroke. Yes. He's missed an "alarming amount" of votes. Surprise. Real life happens.