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IamSauerKraut t1_jar7lif wrote

Guardian published the article yesterday but govt officials last week stated they would be testing. Journalistic malpractice, imho.


AntaresBounder t1_jare9nn wrote

It's an opinion piece, so not journalism.


IamSauerKraut t1_jargbqz wrote

The opinion piece should have been posted 2 weeks ago when it might have been based on facts.


enemy_of_your_enema t1_jarckjv wrote

I also don't really buy the basic thesis of the article, which despite being teased in the headline, was backed up by only three sentences:

"So why is EPA unwilling to test for dioxins in the soil? My guess is
because they know they will find it. And if they find it, they’ll have
to address the many questions people are asking."

It is literally the EPA's job to do this kind of testing and then "respond to questions." They didn't cause the derailment, so why would they be motivated to cover up the impact? I'm not sure why the author thinks that the EPA has no incentive to do its job and they certainly didn't explain why.


Anonymous_Otters t1_jarwvr0 wrote

People have gone full tin foil hat over this whole thing and are damaging the environmental movement in thr process.


heili t1_javslj4 wrote

Erin Brockovich is creaming her pants for another huge paycheck.


OhioJeeper t1_jarby4r wrote

You'd have to consider what The Guardian posts to be journalism for that to be true lmao.
