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sauerakt t1_jarxil6 wrote

Yes those things are very real and well documented. I have contacts with former members and witnesses and victims of such events in the dark occult circles. No I do not peruse Q Anon forums. Q Anon is fake and is nothing more than controlled opposition by the world powers and a psy-op to keep people from manifesting change themselves. I know that a state of freedom, happiness, and growth can only be reached when everyone lives only in non-violence and in voluntary consentual actions. To get there we must understand ourselves and the current state of the world that we live in, which is a condition of slavery. What I detailed in my comment above is the truth whether anyone else believes it or not.


steelceasar t1_jaryigd wrote

>very real and well documented. I have contacts with former members and witnesses and victims of such events in the dark occult circles

Oh I see, I guess we should just take your word as evidence?


sauerakt t1_jarzjix wrote

Never take anyone's word for it. Think for yourself and learn for yourself, always. You are very capable and you have infinite value. Here are some resources to start:

Both of these people have first hand knowledge and have done extensive research into these topics


steelceasar t1_jas1tny wrote

Really? How can you unironically say think for yourself and then post links to tabloid bloggers? Read an actual book. You want to learn about the historical context of Baal and Molech, I would recommend Carthage Must be Destroyed by Richard Meyers. He contextualizes Phoenician and Greek mythology with the rise of the Roman Republic. And the best part? He offers citations from archeology and other primary sources, as well as engaging with the existing academic writing on the topic. It's also a well written and approachable narrative.