CltAltAcctDel t1_jatua96 wrote
Reply to comment by STLLC2019 in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
> City of Philadelphia Police have state-wide jurisdiction like the State Police.
I’ve never heard this. Do you have the statute for that?
STLLC2019 t1_jau1s98 wrote
Learned it in an Intro to Criminal Justice class about 20 years ago. May be outdated information.
I grew up before the internet. I'm more accustomed to relying on memory than anything else.
CltAltAcctDel t1_jau7ah8 wrote
I don’t think that was accurate now or 20 years ago.
This is the statute that allows for limited statewide jurisdiction for municipal police officer (Philly PD is a municipal PD). There are no special carve outs for Philly or first class cities.
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