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mkinn01 t1_javz290 wrote

Tax dollars will go to fighting this ridiculous law suit. There are so many great causes the ACLU can use its resources on. Stupid shit clogging up the system. Please don’t tell me it’s a free speech issue . Just some rich kids that are bored.


Jasontheperson t1_jawdgrt wrote

It's clearly a free speech issue?


mkinn01 t1_jaweowy wrote

Ok, let me pose this question to you. If say I was a student at this school and wanted to start the let’s say “Christ Club” and I was turned down (as I should be) Do you think the ACLU would come to my defense and say it is a free speech issue? If the answer is yes then I will agree with you.


susinpgh t1_jaworl0 wrote


mkinn01 t1_jax7u18 wrote



mkinn01 t1_jawqokk wrote

The ACLU has defended Nazis in the past as well but now they pick and chose their cases. which seem to only be cases on the left.


spiraldistortion t1_jay2goc wrote

The whole point is that the school in this situation does have a Christ club. If they cancelled all religious clubs, it would be equal treatment, but they didn’t.


here-i-am-now t1_jaww9rw wrote


The ACLU has defended far more odious causes including Illinois Nazis