Submitted by Snoi7 t3_11hqmoq in Pennsylvania
comicnerd93 t1_javllcl wrote
Escobarhippo t1_javtho6 wrote
> she described herself as “emotionally unstable.” She’s dealing with multiple breast cancer diagnoses, Bellew said, and she’s a caregiver to her ill father.
The caretaker role is extremely hard, I’ve been there. * But* clearly she was spewing hatred that is deeply ingrained. I’m kind of disappointed she got her refund.
ThePopeJones t1_javyacv wrote
I take care of my elderly gram and I know sometimes I get frustrated and short with folks. The thing is, even when I'm at my worst I never start saying racist shit.
ggoptimus t1_jawfyxt wrote
I didn’t know cancer made you racist. I was mad at the sun when I had skin cancer but never screamed at people with accents.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_jawisgj wrote
Can confirm. I had cancer and it didn't make me racist.
topspin9 t1_jax4yqr wrote
Me 3....
B-BoyStance t1_jawgmu7 wrote
Very glad you are still here
The way you phrased that is hilarious
[deleted] t1_jawnihx wrote
beebyspice t1_jaw0mq7 wrote
this lady 110% seems like the type to lie about having cancer because she got caught for this shit and is mortified
Clarck_Kent t1_jaw8fms wrote
100 percent she will have her head shaved for her next court appearance because of the “chemo.”
AlreadyMoved2Houston t1_jax8p73 wrote
waiting on the inevitable GoFundMe
TrembleBeast t1_jb30jhi wrote
She lied about being a CPA
UnableAudience7332 t1_jawa7x1 wrote
Nope. Lots of people go through cancer and take care of their parents. It doesn't turn you into a racist. It makes you irritable, sure, but it doesn't make you give a shit if a private company plays a Spanish TV station on their property. She was a racist bitch long before cancer and she can fuck all the way off.
Brunt-FCA-285 t1_jayojun wrote
At best, she had latent racist tendencies that she kept pretty well-contained until the stressors in her life made containment impossible and brought those characteristics to the surface.
I wonder why we haven’t classified racism as a personality disorder, much like sociopathy or BPD. Viewing other human beings as lesser and having no sympathy for them seems to fit the bill.
EDIT: this, of course, wouldn’t make being a bigot excusable in any way, shape, or form. But it sure would be nice if we found out that some people’s brain pathways were susceptible to forming racist thoughts thanks to some chemical imbalance, which, in turn might mean a literal cure for racism. I’m probably dreaming, but I would much rather that than continue to see it fester onward with the procreation of children who are “raised” by the shittiest of people.
sg92i t1_jb2zr00 wrote
> I wonder why we haven’t classified racism as a personality disorder, much like sociopathy or BPD. Viewing other human beings as lesser and having no sympathy for them seems to fit the bill.
Cynical answer: Because humans naturally like to punch down. Look at the comments that come up every time raising the min wage is discussed. "Ho-hum, I don't make $15/hr so these cashiers [who the commenters think are inferior] should live in cardboard shack if they don't like it" type comments.
Its hard for something to be labeled a disorder when most of the population seems to have it.
GhostofTinky t1_jawxnkv wrote
None of that is an excuse. Sorry. Cancer is horrible. It doesn’t make people racist.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_jawile4 wrote
Having to care for a sick father doesn't have a side effect of causing racism. That has nothing to do with the fact that she is a racist piece of shit and her trying to use this as an excuse tells you everything you need to know about this worthless loser. All anyone has to do is watch the video to know everything they need to know about this asshole.
AlreadyMoved2Houston t1_jax8lxk wrote
Who knows what the people on the receiving end of the rant are going through? It’s hard to work in this kind of business where you’re always face to face with people, and you can’t really miss work.
writergeek313 t1_jax7c0x wrote
Amazingly, most of us manage to handle stress without shouting racist things. She’s looking for sympathy she in no way deserves.
Scrungo_Mungo t1_javxm0h wrote
Fuck this bitch! I had testicular cancer and went though chemo in 2014 and was dealing with severe alcoholism/withdrawals and not once did I yell at a customer service worker or say anything racist. I hate when these blob people say “I’m not racist” and try to explain why they yelled crazy racist shit by saying they are stressed, newsflash Karen… YOU ARE RACIST!
Sunni_tzu t1_jawvt4l wrote
Hoping that you were able to hold onto your sobriety my friend.
beebyspice t1_jaw0qdq wrote
classic blob person 😂
Apprehensive_Bid3919 t1_jaz3jri wrote
I work in customer service and deal with people yelling at me all the time. Odd how almost all of them can do it without being racist.
underscore5000 t1_javtcxx wrote
Oh she's horrified and feels terrible now that everyone was made aware of how much a piece of shit she is.
Apprehensive_Bid3919 t1_jaz3dwv wrote
Bonus: She’s absolutely made friends with similar ideologies from this.
underscore5000 t1_jb074qu wrote
And they are all the real victims in this situation.
pooptits2 t1_jawhdsf wrote
This is a poorly written non fact checked article. shes not a hatboro resident. She left this town over a year ago and now resides in NJ. She was here seeing family.
Miserable-Effective2 t1_jax0i9z wrote
Good. She can stay over in NJ then, they can have her.
AlreadyMoved2Houston t1_jax90yx wrote
Lovely. Hopefully not in a part with lots of immigrants…when I lived in NJ, everywhere I went, someone was speaking in some other language, or listening to it via music, TV, etc…it’s kind of charming unless you’re this lady.
IamSauerKraut t1_jayip2g wrote
Am not convinced she is a lady.
choodudetoo t1_jawure4 wrote
So a neighbor of Doctor Oz?
wagsman t1_jawklyl wrote
> Asked about her racist language toward the owner, she described herself as “emotionally unstable.” She’s dealing with multiple breast cancer diagnoses, Bellew said, and she’s a caregiver to her ill father. She described her behavior as an angry outburst as a result of “being overwhelmed with everything else in [her] life.”
Plenty of people go through cancer, and deal with caring for elderly relatives and don’t go on racist tirades. Those things don’t suddenly turn you into a racist. You are already that way, but do a good job of hiding it.
If she’s honest about showing remorse she needs to expose herself to new people and new points of view to change those deeply ingrained beliefs. But we know she will inevitably end up on some conservative talk piece where she can continue to play the victim and stoke the same old prejudices.
sg92i t1_jb2zy6c wrote
> Plenty of people go through cancer
At this point in time the public has a worse than 50/50 shot at cancer at some point in their lifetimes.
Literally worse than a coin flip.
If cancer caused people to be bad people, there'd be a lot more bad people.
Miggy88mm t1_jaye3ta wrote
I was unaware cancer caused racism. The more you know I guess.
lilwolp t1_javo541 wrote
Thanks for linking! I am glad she feels horrible about it and wants to apologize.
MartianActual t1_jaw58if wrote
Spoiler: She doesn't. She is only saying that because she was video taped and charged.
dudettte t1_jawcr3d wrote
she would definitely feel better if everyone spoke english there duh.
AlreadyMoved2Houston t1_jax95ss wrote
Hm. Maybe speaking English cures cancer? I will have to look into that for my family member…
[deleted] t1_jawrwo8 wrote
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jaxs5v5 wrote
Why are they giving this dumbass a microphone and an opportunity to defend herself?
IamSauerKraut t1_jayirp2 wrote
You do not like it when a racist doubles down on herself?
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jaz6gut wrote
A third of the people who watch her testimony will feel bad for her, and that's how you end up with 28-32% of the country being nazis.
ulfricstormclk t1_javo2ek wrote
At least she acknowledged it was wrong
yeags86 t1_javqkn0 wrote
With a bunch of excuses for it. She’s only sorry because she is facing consequences for her actions.
invisiblearchives t1_javxyzq wrote
she took no responsibility for her actions, actually blamed her dying father for stressing her out, played the "poor me I'm sick" card, and then within a single breath had gone from being apologetic to playing the victim and saying she's being harassed.
That lady is a narcissist and a bully. Full stop.
BigDaddyCaddy68 t1_javvfoh wrote
Acknowledged it was wrong bc she got caught. She still belives it.
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_javxjbm wrote
She’s only admitting it was wrong because she was caught and it went viral. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have given a shit.
choodudetoo t1_jawyc86 wrote
Even my toddler had enough sense to do that when caught crum pawed in the cookie jar.
Didn't mean I could leave the cookie jar down that low on the counter anymore.
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