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BryGuy610 t1_je0e5yn wrote

I've only done Crystal Cave when I was a kid many many years ago. I've heard a lot of great things about Penn's Cave and its typically rated one of the best attractions in PA.


mwwwaaahahaha t1_je0n0pd wrote

I like Penn's Cave. There is so much to do there, not just the cave. Indian Echo is also nice.


egJohn t1_je0tk4e wrote

Laurel is nice. and it's in an interesting area. it's on the top of a mountain and on a clear day you can see the top of the US Steel tower in Pittsburgh ~60 miles away


snurfherder828 t1_je0zm6l wrote

Don't forget about Coral Caverns in Bedford, PA! It's smaller but fun.


mr-popadopalous t1_je11l9f wrote

Laurel Cavern guided spelunking part is really cool. Tunnel vision kicks on the way back though


BeatsMeByDre t1_je1bv14 wrote

Crystal cave is an hour guided tour, it's ok. In October they do nighttime lantern tours though, which is cool. I can't compare it to the others cause I haven't been there.


Groan_Of_Wind t1_je1digs wrote

I will probably always be partial to Penns Cave. For one because of the boat. And number two because I had a threesome that very night.


skinow84 t1_je1jnj9 wrote

There’s one you can explore on your own in Shippensburg. Carnegie cave (google it). It’s pretty neat, you’ll get wet and need to have a helmet and flashlights


Feisty-Fish t1_je1ky3m wrote

This certainly isn’t touring, but I love pequea wind cave out around Lancaster.


InteligentTard t1_je2h0rn wrote

I’ve only been to penn’s cave. It was really cool. A nice slow boat ride through the cave makes it really enjoyable.


UnkleSpleefy t1_je2nwzl wrote

The caves here are ok , but the drive to get to one is a few hours one way...depending on where u in South Central hour from for me that is the if you are looking for an awesome day trip , may I STRONGLY suggest , Luray Caverns.. .for the money you will spend at any of the PA caves , Luray is worth the adventure, and no shortage of many neat things along the way.... Skyline Drive starts in Front Royal and parallel ls I-81 south , the whole way to Luray , if you want to see something amazing, as both are national treasures with tons of history.....


Remarkable_Lack712 t1_je3bge4 wrote

Woodward cave. It’s reasonably close to pens cave and you could probably do both in the same day. Woodward has a lot of history and it’s a walking tour. It’s also entirely accessible. I’ve taken our cub pack there and the kids loved it.


webauteur t1_je6d3uv wrote

I think Indian Caverns is closed now but you used to be able to visit it and Lincoln Caverns on the same trip since they are not far from each other.