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[deleted] t1_jb31u7g wrote

it’s probably just easiest to call an agent and get it set up


XxItsAwigxX OP t1_jb339nm wrote

Any good recs for an insurance agent? I'm in Bella Vista, so one closeby would be desirable.


ktappe t1_jb3rhis wrote

There is no need to have your car insurance agent nearby. Mine is in Harrisburg while I live outside Philly. We just do business by phone; it's easy.


Droids24 t1_jb35bd2 wrote

Progressive and State farm you don't need an agent. all is done through the apps and 24x7 Roadside assistance.


Megalodon_91 t1_jb36r57 wrote

progressives been pretty good to me so far. I was a switch every 2 or 3 years guy but mine actually went down a couple times even with used car values though the roof.


Megalodon_91 t1_jb36yb1 wrote

i will note i was using most of them. I've had most of the big ones as one of my cars is an R title antique and the smaller ones usually give me crap about it.


XxItsAwigxX OP t1_jb369qs wrote

I am waiting for Progressive to approve my application; I got weirded out when they asked for pictures of the car with the registration. All I could send them was downloads of the car I'm holding on Carvana. They said I could submit proof of payment if I don't have registration; I sent my order, but I technically haven't paid yet because haha Carvana wants insurance first. Anyway, I hope what I sent is enough.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_jb3aj1f wrote

Seconding Progressive. Me and my girlfriend both go through Progressive. They gave us the fairest prices by far and the bonus stuff (like the loyalty programs) are actually legit. It’s not just marketing crap. I used to have Geico and they supposedly had loyalty programs as well, but it never seemed concrete and it never seemed like I was really benefiting from remaining with them for long.


[deleted] t1_jb35mpp wrote

I have USAA, they are usually the cheapest but you have to be a service member or family member


XxItsAwigxX OP t1_jb36g3d wrote

Does the family member need to be immediate?


[deleted] t1_jb3a14f wrote

i believe that it has to be a parent or spouse. You may or may not be able to get in if it’s a grandparent.


XxItsAwigxX OP t1_jb3detq wrote

I did a little googling and looks like it might need to be immediate; however, it's worth an email to ask!


pgh9fan t1_jb3feq0 wrote

AAA has very inexpensive insurance.


XxItsAwigxX OP t1_jb3foic wrote

Oh they were very expensive for me. I am in Philly. (.__.)


WCAIS_PA_Individual t1_jb3mysk wrote

Make sure you always tell them that the car has a car alarm and anti theft. It may seem insignificant or kinda obvious that most cars do have them, but it actually helps with your rate, due to the possibility that it can be a theft deterrent. 👍