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drxdrg08 t1_jb69ero wrote

> Censorship within the public schools needs addressed; how we make a difference for students and student learning.

No child was going to check out those books. Not even once. You I know. I know it. Everybody know it. It's just an arbitrary "red line" that both sides are fighting over. It's utterly inconsequential for "student learning".


IamSauerKraut t1_jb6av5m wrote

>No child was going to check out those books.


But a few might read them while in the shelves when no one was watching.

Wonder when Pennridge will ban Call of the Wild. Dog gets beat and beat and beat. Not sure the little ones should be exposed to animal abuse. And then there is... Moby Dick. /s


drxdrg08 t1_jb6cqm7 wrote

> But a few might read them while in the shelves when no one was watching.

Instead of using one of at least several internet browsing devices that each child has access to at home?


IamSauerKraut t1_jb6g5td wrote

These are books, not girlie mags. Plus, some kids will avoid the possibility of their parents finding their browsing history by picking up an actual book.

Like mine did a few years ago.


drxdrg08 t1_jb6n5t4 wrote

Nobody is even going to look at these books. I don't know what planet you are from, but school libraries were obsolete even before the age of internet. These kids have personal cell phones with internet. They have access to the internet everywhere. If some kid is intent on finding some "sensitive" information, claiming that the school library is their only option is beyond absurd.


IamSauerKraut t1_jb6paxh wrote

>Nobody is even going to look at these books.

You clearly have no idea what you are prattling on about. And your weak effort to turn my comments into what they are not is pathetic. If an absurdity is what you seek, look no further than into your own mirror.