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tigerbalmz t1_je64otk wrote

Truly I don’t know what the hold up is… O yes, there’s that thing about rights to bear arms./s

I don’t think we’ll be moving the meter very far if we’re going to climb that hill. One thing I believe most law makers agree on is the status of mental health… Now why they haven’t done anything about it is beyond me. There’s a lot of talking heads and not enough leaders willing to push through legislation.

Then you get politicians who straight up gave up… “There’s nothing more we can do.” People who want to focus on religion, race, and now gender identity… It’s incredible how these senators will latch onto anything possible to not have to talk about gun laws.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_je6c0et wrote

We’ve been practicing intruder & active shooter drills since Columbine. It’s not new.

The real question is- do the police practice responding to school shooters? I went to a high school with over 3,000 students in it. Absolutely massive building with multiple entrances and floors.

I have no faith that if the shooting was in the language pod that the police would know where that is. Football field, sure. Gym? Absolutely. Chemistry lab? Nope.


tigerbalmz t1_je6e1s7 wrote

Drills are certainly not new… but with the news of more school shootings though, I think it changes the context quite a bit for kids.

I just read this morning in an incident at Newark, DE a hoax caller made a threat. The school was put in lockdown and cops didn’t show up for 70mins. They claimed miscommunication… All while parents are trying to get into the school. It’s just a hot mess. Over a decade of preparation and tragedies every week, how are we not getting better at handling this? Watching the video of how they sent in one lone police officer who clearly had no clue what to do… it’s infuriating.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_je6nur7 wrote

Columbine was 24 years ago. Over a thousand people have been injured in a school shooting since then, with hundreds dead.

We aren’t getting better at handling this because it’s apparently not a priority to any of our lawmakers - from Mayors, who in some towns ARE in charge of the police, to Federal legislators.

Ya’ll gotta vote this year and every year. Show up. Raise your concerns in a calm manner. We saw record voter turnout in 2020 and the President can’t do anything about this. In 2021 we went back down to a 22% voter turnout.

VOTE like your kids lives depend on it because they do.