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SunOutrageous6098 t1_je6s2w0 wrote

Knowing the exact day and time that every student in the school is going to be huddled in the corner of each classroom is an advantage if you are looking to inflict maximum damage. No one is roaming the halls, everyone in administration thinks it’s a drill, so if your goal is destruction… you’ve got sitting ducks.

And yeah, we had a free lunch program. But if you weren’t on it and just forgot your money or your lunch account didn’t have enough… tough! No lunch for you. Google “lunch debt”. It’s a real thing and schools do not care.


CrazyOkie t1_je6tdmu wrote

>we had a free lunch program

So you admit that your prior statement that we don't give lunches to kids who can't pay wasn't true? I understand the "I forgot my account number" but forgetting it one day isn't the same as not having a program for it.

And I'm sorry, but your logic makes no sense on the forewarned drill. There absolutely should be administrators & cops observing what the teachers and students are doing, to correct anything they do wrong, otherwise the drill is pointless. If that's what they did at your school, your school administrators weren't very bright.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_je6ujqu wrote

There were 3500 kids in my high school and 5 principals. Which students did you want them to watch?

It was up to the teacher to make sure we did it right. You know, the one all 25 of us were supposed to hide behind.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_jebd8p8 wrote


CrazyOkie t1_jebkpfv wrote

Yes, a very misleading case based on one idiot lawmaker flapping his gums. Which the media was happy to run with.

That in fact was a vote for a state program which would have supplemented the existing federal program, to cover kids in families that are between 130%-185% of federal poverty levels. Kids in families below 130% of the poverty level in North Dakota are still going to get a free lunch at school (and free breakfast as well), just like they do in every school (public or private) in the good old USA. Families that are below 200% also qualify for reduced price meals at school.