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hekishokuneko t1_jb6jkrm wrote

It was a goddamn simple question there would be no "misinformation". I've shown up with the wrong documentation to things before and have been turned away. I'd rather that NOT happen. Something being omitted or vague doesn't always mean it isn't something to worry about or consider. Rules and regulations are always revised to be more clear or don't get passed because they are intentionally vague. Not everyone has to be well-versed in bureaucracy to go to the freaking DMV.


[deleted] OP t1_jb6jrh9 wrote



hekishokuneko t1_jb6oeyh wrote

Have you or a loved one ever struggled with social anxiety. I sure hope not if this is the way you treat them. Which is why I even asked this in the first place. I don't want to inconvenience anyone.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_jb6p0tr wrote

Yeah me, that doesn’t change anything.


hekishokuneko t1_jb6p60y wrote

Yeah, well I'm genuinely glad you aren't struggling. Not everyone has the luxury to be able to make phone calls without wanting to throw up.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_jb6pngj wrote

That’s life, being put out of youre comfort zone and yeah I’m struggling too otherwise I wouldn’t be arguing with strangers online. I work through ways to cope with a professional and taking steps. This is one of them. I’m sorry I’m being aggressive online over petty shit. I’m not trying to make an excuse but misinformation is major sticking point for me especially these days. When is equally both easy to get misinformed and hard to get correct info and vice versa.


hekishokuneko t1_jb6puwh wrote

It's fine dude just remember that there are other people on the other side of the screen with real human emotions.