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calebnf t1_jbe5boy wrote

Pretty confidant that’s a joke. This whole event is weird. They’re offended by “the Caucasian”? Have they never seen The Big Lebowski?

I’m not here to defend the business owner, he’s probably a douche. But they’re walking out over “the Caucasian”?


CavemanUggah t1_jbep6ty wrote

The way I look at it is that there are many terms that I, personally, am not offended by. However, I recognize that these terms are offensive to some people. Therefore, I don't use them. Sometimes, I find out that people are offended by something that I did not realize was offensive. In those cases, I admit my ignorance and refrain from using the term again.

My point is that it really doesn't matter what the word or phrase is. It's my responsibility as a member of an evolving, civil society to learn and adjust my behavior accordingly.


zerobot t1_jbf9r8g wrote

For the word caucasian? This is where we go way too far.


CavemanUggah t1_jbfcbcr wrote

My point is that the word doesn't matter. It could be anything. If it's offensive to someone then you can either be a normal member of society and stop offending people or you can demand that society conform to your own particular standards. We have a name for people like that and it's not a nice one.

A good example is the Washington Redskins. That name wasn't offensive to most of the fans of the team or of football, in general. But it was offensive to some people. Dan Snyder didn't care at all about those people, so he didn't change the name until he was publicly shamed for it.

You certainly have the right to continue to knowingly offend people, but understand that most people do not like people who go around carelessly throwing around offensive terms. I certainly do not and will avoid them like the plague.


zerobot t1_jbfe9jw wrote

The irony of this post is incredible.


SeptasLate t1_jbgafbv wrote

The Washington football team used a racial slur. Is caucasian a racial slur?


CavemanUggah t1_jbgiqyw wrote

Again. It does not matter. The word itself is not the point. The point is that some people are offended by it and intentionally ignoring that is a-hole behavior.


SeptasLate t1_jbgq4o1 wrote

Yeah but people were offended that a bar I worked at did a fundraiser for a lgbtq center. I am glad we were assholes and didnt worry about offending those people.

On the other hand one might even say it's offensive to compare a cocktail named caucasian to a nfl team named a racial slur.

It's obvious why things like a slur are offensive. It's not obvious and borderline silly that people found "caucasian" offensive without context.


IamSauerKraut t1_jbf3lk9 wrote

>Pretty confidant that’s a joke.

Is it? Considering the names of other products, does not come off as a "joke." Guy is a jerk, clearly.


Buffmin t1_jbfn7i9 wrote

I'm sure it was a joke... but the fact he made that joke tells us everything we need to know..he's an asshole


gkrash t1_jbeyc95 wrote

Also, Monday was one of the holiest of days for the Dudists (makes me wonder if it had to do with the anniversary of the movie being released)..


[deleted] t1_jbeeemi wrote



calebnf t1_jbef14y wrote

I’m just saying it’s weird to be offended and walk out over “the Caucasian”. I’m sure there are plenty of things to complain about there being a service industry job - they probably get paid shit wages. Walk out over that.


flaaaacid t1_jbegoch wrote

I think it’s weirder to be so committed to a drink name, when enough employees are ready to walk over it that it will force you to close. Over a drink name.


calebnf t1_jbeid0a wrote

I’m sure he’s not used to people telling him “no”. He probably feels like he’s being bullied and is doubling down.


flaaaacid t1_jbeiw2p wrote

I see it as who had what to lose. Agree with the employees or not, they were willing to lose their jobs over this. Any manager/owner not fully up their own ass would take that as a wake up call.


zerobot t1_jbf9lz1 wrote

Agreed. I mean the name is so milquetoast. What exactly is so offensive about such a mediocre name such as “The Caucasian?”


RedGoldFlamingo t1_jbfgv8n wrote

Your white privilege is showing. It takes a deliberate act of conscious will to be so tone-deaf in 2023..


zerobot t1_jbfhyr0 wrote

You can feel free to explain why the caucasian is so offensive.

Yes. The privilege of not having to worry about a mixed drink being served for two days called the white person.

This is what people are referring to when they refer to the radical left. Being so upset over a drink called the caucasian that they quit their job. This is insanity.


calebnf t1_jbfi6eb wrote

Sorry, but, do you know what “Caucasian” means?


choodudetoo t1_jbx9r5x wrote

> When talking with Hoffman about staff’s concerns, he allegedly told them to “buckle up” as they would be serving “the Negro” cocktail the following week,


> “Hoffman told me and a coworker that he hates political correctness and that anyone who has an issue needs to ‘buckle up,’ because next week he would release a black cocktail called ‘The Negro,’


Pa17325 t1_jbeqj6e wrote

They haven't seen the big Lebowski. It came out before these constantly offended children were born


yeags86 t1_jbh4wu4 wrote

I see a lot of religious and right wing constantly offended by their younger generation. You know, the one they raised and turned out to be better people because of it.