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MRG_1977 t1_jbgrk8u wrote

He got smoked in the Governor’s race, in part, because Shapiro outspent him so badly. Mastriano whined and complained for weeks after the election that he lost because of the lack of financial support from the national GOP organization after he got the nomination.

Also left out that even the big money GOP donors in PA including Yass didn’t meaningfully contribute either.

Senate races are obscenely expensive in competitive states and Mastriano has zero personal wealth to utilize.


Yelloeisok t1_jbh0c1c wrote

He also forgot to mention he was too chickenshit to actually go in front of crowds that weren’t ‘friendly’ to his Christian agenda. Every event he had was private and behind closed doors to only his supporters.


JediLion17 t1_jbh4p2s wrote

And had the media corralled in a corner where they needed to be escorted to and from like children.


Atrocious_1 t1_jbhbeiw wrote

I think you mean he hid in his bunker and only would interview with the dumbest rw cranks


RealLiveKindness t1_jbhjmls wrote

Susquehanna Partners skimming money from exchanges. Funding antiAmerican, antiDemocracy radicalized stooges. They made their money, don’t want others to succeed.