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Jules1220 t1_jbhkasp wrote

If you're looking at South Central PA, Harrisburg is good. Stay away from rural areas. Creeps me put when I drive to York how many Trump signs, along with the always classy Fuck Biden flags.


_MrGullible t1_jbim9e7 wrote

As long as you stick to York suburbs and York City, it's pretty LGBTQIA+ friendly. Once you get outside of the suburbs and into Red Lion, Dover, Glenrock, etc... it gets sketchy.


VaginaHotPocket OP t1_jbhvb6g wrote

I haven't heard harrisburg yet! I'll look into it for sure now, thank you so much.


MsAmericanaFPL t1_jbi8okt wrote

Suburbs of Harrisburg. The city isnโ€™t the safest place


Golden4Pres t1_jbifjce wrote

Sounds like every big city in our state sadly ๐Ÿ˜•


DeliciousBeanWater t1_jbil40k wrote

Harrisburg isnt as bad as it used to be. I live in the city but its quiet in my end.