Submitted by dissolutewastrel t3_11mxvu2 in Pennsylvania
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkpn61 wrote
Reply to comment by LurkersWillLurk in Will the cost of a central Pa. thruway reach $1B? PennDOT officials hope not by dissolutewastrel
These highway projects are planned out over the course of decades. The Mon-Fayette Expressway in Allegheny County was planned when the Mon Valley was heavily populated and had a lot of high volume employers. By the time it was built population patterns in the county had changed dramatically.
ktxhopem3276 t1_jbllbsd wrote
The cvst is a better investment. 15 miles for $1billion and the first half already has 3000 trucks a day and it’s a growing area with many distribution centers and the 81 is ten times more congested. The mon fayette should go down as one of the dumbest highways ever constructed. If they had started building it at the monroville end first, it would have been easier to cancel or indefinitely delay the rural segments but those fuckers screwed us and built the most useless parts first. I wonder what the total cost for all segments of the mon fayette costs inflation adjusted.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbooz7j wrote
> The cvst is a better investment. 15 miles for $1billion
That may be a "better" investment, that does not mean it's a good investment. Fewer people live in the area that would be served by this abortion of a project than live in the Mon Fayette service area.
ktxhopem3276 t1_jbouugo wrote
the csvt cooridor is still a busy road especially for trucks. Having driven both the csvt and mon fayette I feel the csvt is more beneficial due to the truck congestion but that’s just anecdotal. The csvt isn’t feasible to be served by public transit.
The mon fayette is going to cost $5billion or more by time it’s finished while some of the mon fayette should be transit oriented like the old inter urban to California, PA.and a busway to monroeville
I’m not saying I like either project but it is interesting to compare them. I’m going to do some more reading. I wouldn’t really care about them if they weren’t built at the expense of city transit
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