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ronreadingpa t1_jbom9u2 wrote

One can dream. About the best we'll get is roundabouts. Lots of them. Oh, and the speed limit will be posted artificially low (ie. 45 instead of 55) like is on the quasi-limited access bypass they built about a decade ago south of Allentown. It's better than before, but it's 2nd rate compared to what many other places have.

Some in Berks like that it's not well connected to the north. They don't want more development and like Berks County the way it is; prefer it stay a backwater. Can't totally fault that sentiment either.

It's interesting how fast similar projects get done down in Chester County. What is a 6 month project there takes 2-3 years in Berks. Oh, they're resuming the ongoing milling and repaving work Rt 222 around the Mall in a couple of weeks. Maybe they'll finish this year, but not so sure.


No-Setting9690 t1_jbovg26 wrote

Berks likes to set the bar for long term. Only took 45 years to finish road to nowhere.