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Pa17325 t1_jboylpx wrote

I know the Hershey park catering service put out food about the same quality as school cafeterias for the company picnics we went to, so I'd expect about the same


Mijbr090490 t1_jbpqet2 wrote

Those strange, steamed hamburgers. Gross.


Pa17325 t1_jbpvs02 wrote

Exactly. Nasty, swelled up not grilled hot dogs, Pre grilled Sysco chicken breast with cheap BBQ , wonder bread burger rolls, beans straight from the can, you know


NativePA t1_jbrn6k0 wrote

Hershey park food is horrible especially the bbq


Gul_Ducatti t1_jbqbyzr wrote

You are calling them Steamed Hams despite their obvious Grill marks…