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reverendsteveii t1_jdw5ntg wrote

>"R.M. Palmer has been a presence in the community for decades now," West Reading Borough Council Vice President Phil Wert said Saturday, donating candy to Easter egg hunts and giving back to the community. He said it's the first responders' and elected officials' responsibility "to give back to them because they've given to us."

I gotta say that making sure that first responders understand their responsibility to the factory owners is a Fucking. Bold. Take. Doubly so if it's true as-reported that employees told supervisors that they smelled gas and were told to get back to work about it.


Dismal-Radish-7520 t1_jdwib47 wrote

Steep to say they "gave so much to the community" when their product is literally brown candle wax lol


OnceInABluMoon t1_jdwvc3q wrote

Palmer chocolate is the most disgusting chocolate out there and I have never understood how they stay in business. They do seem to make a lot of unique looking products but you're right. Its basically candle wax.


ronreadingpa t1_jdwlbn4 wrote

Comes across as don't look too hard for the cause. Keep talk of it on the downlow. For a smaller-scale incident, would likely work.

However, this is national news, so the details will come out. West Reading officials have done a decent job overall managing the situation, but are way out of their league if seeking to cover things up. Truth will come out.

As for what the company does, my hunch and hope is they promptly settle with everyone affected with fair payouts, rebuilds building 2 bigger and better (expand out to Penn Ave), and gets back to business with a stronger focus on safety.