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ho_merjpimpson t1_jdxsifr wrote

Grieving is not an excuse to litter. It's not like we're chanting it in the middle of them grieving. It's an internet forum where we're allowed to comment on things that we disagree with. In this case, "RedDit gRoUPtHiNK ", is just a popular opinion that progressive young Reddit is sick of seeing old boomers do out of shitty tradition. Sorry, not sorry.


towhomnottowho t1_jdy91jn wrote

Irony- saying boomers blame group think as a shitty tradition, while following a shitty tradition of blaming boomers.


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdyenq3 wrote

>saying boomers blame group think as a shitty tradition

Work on reading comprehension, because that's not what I'm saying.

>following a shitty tradition of blaming boomers.

If blaming boomers for a tradition, that originated in the boomer generation, that boomers refuse to let die, despite knowing it's a harmful tradition... is shitty, then I'm proud to be shitty.


HogwartsKate t1_je5ti1g wrote

Balloon launches were started in the 1980s, so that is Generation X! Boomers are too thrifty to waste money on balloons and helium to just toss them in the air.


ho_merjpimpson t1_je5yxpy wrote

Ahh yes. Gen x which started in the early 1980s. I remember when everyone was like. Hey fellow 2 year olds. Lets gather en masse and release garbage into the air. It will be a grand time.

The people starting the trend were the parents, not the toddlers, dumbass.


ScienceWasLove t1_jdxx2cg wrote

Lol. Blames boomers. Meanwhile we are in the midst of a gender reveal phenomena that involves more confetti than one can imagine. Those must me boomers to…


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdy2atp wrote

"blaming" boomers? Lol.

Gender reveals being stupid and/or bad doesn't suddenly excuse balloon releases, and reddit sure as shit doesn't like those either..

Like, do you seriously think I wouldn't have something to say if the source of the littering was from confetti or some shit? And it wouldn't be just as popular of a comment? Know why? Cause littering is bad and your grief(or celebration) doesn't excuse you.

Keep trying though, I guess.
