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OneHumanPeOple t1_jbvexln wrote

His slurred speech is intermittent. If he’s anything like me, it happens most during stress, but the article didn’t say. My interpretation of the article is that he was being targeted for whistle blowing on patient neglect.


Thezedword4 t1_jbwev1e wrote

That was my first thought as well. They were trying to cover their ass on poor patient treatment which wouldn't be surprising.


Hashtaglibertarian t1_jbxuyqi wrote

UPMC is one of the most corrupt organizations I have ever witnessed jn our state. I’m a travel nurse and I would NEVER take another upmc contract. They are killing people. Negligence and not following standards of care. I have stories for daaayys about their corruption.

That is exactly what they were trying to do - silence him. And then they had the AUDACITY to ask that man to come back to work 4 days later??

I hope he gets a great retirement from this.


lordpascal t1_jbz4ovo wrote

The more I learn, the more I lose faith in humanity...