Submitted by AxlCobainVedder t3_11pndn9 in Pennsylvania
Riolu01 t1_jbywrwx wrote
Except now there are more closed stores than open ones.
makingmozzarella t1_jbyyn3l wrote
Wow, very cool. Surprised to see a Spencer’s gifts. Never heard of the clock tower thing.
FancyRobot t1_jbyz5tj wrote
My mother used to work at the Sears there, was quite the hot spot until the 2000s rolled in, good food court and the fountains by the Sears were pretty awesome. Unfortunately I don't even think they bother filling the fountains up with water anymore, lot of patchwork repairs all over the place. Some of the stores are still doing well but I imagine it will likely go the way of the Fairgrounds Square Mall soon. The big Walmarts/Targets in the area and online shopping just completely ruined these places, which is a shame because they were such better communal experiences.
I also think this mall was referenced, indirectly, in a Taylor Swift song once when she was stood up by some mean girls when she lived in Wyomissing?
bubblegoose t1_jbz1hpp wrote
The fountain had its 15 minutes of fame when a woman was texting and fell in to the fountain. Someone from security put the video on Youtube.
Then, she tried to sue the mall, then she later stole her coworkers credit card and got arrested for it.
FancyRobot t1_jbz39hb wrote
i somehow missed this story entirely but not surprised at all that it happened. Her videos describing the event are so funny, she's clearly just hamming it up for lawsuit money and then it turns out she's a multiple time retail theft perpetrator
Luckytattoos t1_jbz4chp wrote
You know, I swore up and down that there was a hanging clock, while I was a child, there that’s no longer there. And this finally validates those thoughts all these years.
I also for some reason thought it was larger when I was younger.
untilyouredead t1_jbz5dnu wrote
does your mom remember anything about gadgets lol
FancyRobot t1_jbz5qno wrote
Unfortunately she's no longer around, she worked on the second floor as I remember where the perfume was. Come home smelling like she took a swim in perfume
untilyouredead t1_jbz5ujp wrote
oh i’m so sorry for your loss. thank you for your stories and memories!
[deleted] t1_jbz6dod wrote
ackmon t1_jbz7y26 wrote
Women not wearing pants.
SiNisterBarbieDoll13 t1_jbzlct3 wrote
Facts, was just in 2 weeks ago and seen the pet stores gone now too.
DrYIMBY t1_jbzlikq wrote
Relatively speaking, it was larger when you were younger.
Riolu01 t1_jbzlweo wrote
They just moved I believe last month.
DrYIMBY t1_jbzlwth wrote
I didn't notice the Spencer's. I gotta get in to one of those. I'm running a little low on black light bulbs and fundies.
SiNisterBarbieDoll13 t1_jbzn9un wrote
It's so empty anymore in there. I'm from here, in my early 20s after Lucent laid us all off, moved to North a few years then to 2 other states, just came back after buying another house here late '19. I can't believe how much the area changed. And the bypass is finally done. 😂 🤣
But yeah the mall's getting ghosty over there. I think last I heard about the pet shop, someone stole a pup or two 🤦♂️it was the first I was over there (other than just Boscovs) in a month or so. I haven't even gone upstairs, is the food court still up there?
MrBroBotBrian t1_jbznhxz wrote
Save the clock tower
Fitz2001 t1_jbzoryz wrote
Weird that an area near the Poconos would have a mall named after the Berkshires
PhiladelphiaManeto t1_jbzpgkp wrote
Never thought I would see this online. Wowzers. The most important landmark in Berks.
Take me back to the Orange Julius stand next to the pet store
[deleted] t1_jbzphxy wrote
[deleted] t1_jbzpk8x wrote
Pineapple_Herder t1_jbzpq4f wrote
Different times, different styles
Riolu01 t1_jbzpwfr wrote
Yes, but even that is on its way out. Chick-fil-A just closed in December.
Riolu01 t1_jbzq0iq wrote
If only they were still there.
SiNisterBarbieDoll13 t1_jbzq3nh wrote
Wow, yeah it's all phasing out. I remember that place packed when I was younger. Back in the day...ha. 😊
ackmon t1_jbzqdt3 wrote
Very true.
jaythebearded t1_jbzqz5g wrote
The day china max closes forever is the day that mall breathes it's last breath
jaythebearded t1_jbzri9o wrote
They haven't filled the middle area below the food court as fountain for a long time but they did a few months ago reopen the smaller fountain down near the old pet shop entrance. I've taken my little 2 year old a few times in the last couple months and he absolutely loves staring at the fountain and throwing pennies in
BroSnow t1_jbztuwv wrote
It’s closer to Philly than the Poconos and it’s in Berks County, named after Berkshire County, England..
Fitz2001 t1_jbzuayi wrote
Oh got it. Thanks!
MadMennonite t1_jbzxx3g wrote
I’m totally shooting in the dark here but isn’t that skylight area by what is currently Hollister? I think in my early child days that clock was still there but that disappeared but the skylight stayed.
turbo_bottas t1_jc01v9z wrote
The fountain below the food court was amazing. Seemed so magical when I was a kid.
dalex89 t1_jc04myy wrote
Bro I remember 2007 manager walking outside china max saying "you want yummy yummy chicken?" While giving us pieces of chicken. How can you beat that?
SeanOnFilm1975 t1_jc078s9 wrote
I remember Gadgets. It was a restaurant located upstairs across from the Arcade where I spent a lot of my time and my parent's money as a youth. I ate there once with my brother and my parents when I was a kid. We split an order of mozzarella cheese sticks that night.
mundotaku t1_jc0bxq7 wrote
(All those ladies are dead by now)
Quenz t1_jc0ems4 wrote
Just looked it up. It was started in Easton, PA.
Wuz314159 t1_jc0g82p wrote
>And the bypass is finally done.
Once they finished the Road to Nowhere, Muhlenberg died. Fairgrounds Square was just demolished during Covid.
Wuz314159 t1_jc0gfog wrote
>I don't even think they bother filling the fountains up with water anymore
Fountains are cool. I wish there were fountains in Berks County. How are they not a thing?
SiNisterBarbieDoll13 t1_jc0gj9w wrote
Dang everything is getting to its end, sadly. I haven't been over there in years. 5th street for plenty of other things. Lord I remember going to Ground Round before work @Lucent and the original Crab Barn. Times change 😔
squirreltalk t1_jc0hvq4 wrote
I remember going to the Electronic Boutique with my friend Karl to pick up a new copy of Chrono Trigger. Great memories.
wkrausmann t1_jc0ltwl wrote
What do you think a 1971 Spencer's Gifts had for sale?
hepcat91179 t1_jc0o4hs wrote
The "Road to Nowhere" now goes somewhere. 🤣
hepcat91179 t1_jc0o7vp wrote
Always that bourbon chicken.
hepcat91179 t1_jc0ojgq wrote
To me that was the worst thing about "growing up". Seeing all those grand things you remember from childhood are actually not that grand. It sucks.
meh817 t1_jc0u466 wrote
aw man, we used to hang out here
SiNisterBarbieDoll13 t1_jc0xocn wrote
😂 🤣 Riiight. I was just always raised to call it that, and always associated it with that horrible smelling mushroom plant. (grateful for those who work there) but that smell 😩🤢 and considering I lived part of my life in Lebanon County with the farms, and liquid pig & cow 💩 that's saying something.
And burnpits in other places.😕
Oddly enough I seen the response and thought of Pirates of the Caribbean. 😂 🤣 😊
[deleted] t1_jc13ihn wrote
ronreadingpa t1_jc1cw36 wrote
For me Berkshire Mall is a time capsule. The main concourse; floors and molded seats near center court are so 1970s. Love the late 80s / early 90s look of the food court that opened in Dec-89; love the neon.
The mall's fate was practically sealed when it was sold to Namdar. My take is they'll milk it for what they can while seeking out redevelopment opportunities. It's important to note Berkshire Mall West, last I checked, is separately owned; wasn't sold to Namdar.
Unlike Fairgrounds in which Boscov's owns both its building and ground underneath plus the farmer's market, Namdar own the entire mall outright. A question though is the terms of Boscov's lease. Often are very favorable. Including renewal options, lease could easily be 50-90 years total. Think 2050 and beyond. That could be a sticking point, but see it as a motivation to keep some of the mall.
My view is they should keep center court to Boscov's and demolish the rest of the mall. Basically, downsize it to about half or less than its current size. Consolidate stores into the smaller footprint. Then put in separate retail, commercial and/or apartment buildings on the remainder.
In short, the current mall is on its last legs. Take the time to visit.
Falldog t1_jc1k0oy wrote
Drove by yesterday and wondered if there were still any shops inside. Went there in the mid '00s while at Berks, back before all those new strip malls stole the thunder.
Spicyperfection t1_jc1poya wrote
L👀k! 52-years ago how lovely the ladies are dressed from hairdo, dress, jewelry, pocketbook and shoes. Today we shop online 24/7 in our jammies. Who would've thunk it.
Or0b0ur0s t1_jc1r049 wrote
That exact Spencers is still there, though I don't think the clock is. I was just there the other week.
Berkshire isn't doing well; there's a lot of empty stores and a lot of stores closed during the week that are still full and must open for the weekend or something.
But it's doing better than Fairgrounds was before the end. At least there are stores and kiosks in the middle that sell something other than cell phone accessories. All the really fun stuff is gone, though, including the pet store and 2 out of 3 of the anchor stores. Boscov's is the only one left.
Escobarhippo t1_jc1udju wrote
That’s how it is at the North Hanover Mall. Ghostly inside.
akennelley t1_jc1v2n4 wrote
"Clock tower" has a very loose meaning in 70s Wyomissing.
Kielbasa_Nunchucka t1_jc26viz wrote
that Spencer's store is prob still jn the exact same spot lol
MoveDifficult1073 t1_jc2gnia wrote
Gadgets was Chuck E Cheese’s with Looney Tunes characters.
MmmmBeer814 t1_jc2v375 wrote
I used to love that arcade!
MmmmBeer814 t1_jc2vbrd wrote
Sooooo many free samples
Unfetish t1_jc31dzk wrote
Came here for this, was not disappointed. She was a piece of work.
jaythebearded t1_jc3nkmh wrote
Ah man I used to love nabbing a free sample every time, and on a free toothpick for when I'm done eating. I always appreciated that they'd give a free sample to me even when I was very blatantly getting in line for their food anyway.
dalex89 t1_jc3o70c wrote
He was aggressive about it. When we were like 16 whatever group we were with would just walk up and accept our chicken toothpicks, sometimes none of us really even said anything, it was just part of getting food there
ronreadingpa t1_jc43hha wrote
It's possible, but appears it moved somewhat over time. Difficult to tell from the picture though. In fact, pretty much every store moved / changed name over the years. This is common with malls. The only one that remained steady for 49 years was Sears, which closed down in early 2019.
Hopefully, they hang in there. Helps that Boscov's and Ruby Tuesday are nearby driving traffic.
Kielbasa_Nunchucka t1_jc4kkyk wrote
yeah, the stores in my local malls have moved around a bit too. except for those big anchor stores tho, they stay in the same place til the end... Woolworth's, Horne's, Sear's... I'm sure there's more
dalex89 t1_jbywlzr wrote
Wow looks exactly the same