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CactusCandles OP t1_jc3cqr9 wrote

Here’s a synopsis: Me: hey I have a newborn that I’m nursing and no childcare.
Ejuror: you can pump here. M: is there childcare? Ej: no, find your own. M: here’s what it says on the court’s website about not having childcare. Ej: that doesn’t apply to you. Being single and unemployed does not count for exemption. M: what? I’m asking to be excused because I’m breastfeeding a baby?

And that’s where I’m at so far


tuckeram7 t1_jc3dfm7 wrote

Yeah, sounds like they are missing the whole point. You’re not looking for childcare. You’re breastfeeding your baby, not pumping. End discussion. I really hope you hear back some good news. You don’t need added stress right now. Honestly, breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’d rather have labor 10 times again in place of the stresses of breastfeeding. (And my labor was 21hrs long)


rovinchick t1_jc6fdd1 wrote

FWIW, until just a couple of years ago federal employees got no maternity leave (only whatever sick time you managed to save up), so many of those court employees were back at work at 10-12 weeks and pumping. While it's super hard, it's not impossible, but I truly sympathize with the OP on the childcare front.


AskMoreQuestionsOk t1_jc485w3 wrote

‘I’m nursing a newborn and the baby doesn’t take a bottle yet. Can I put this off 6 months?‘